Mercury’s retrograde occurs three times a year, and often does so in the same element (earth, air, fire, water.) This year, Mercury’s retrogrades are in the element of water.
Mercury’s retrograde usually brings along disruptions in communications related to the element, and its position in the zodiac. From June 15 to July 10, Mercury will be retrograde in the tropical constellation of Cancer, and after turning direct on July 9/10 will move slowly until picking up speed in late July, and early August 2007.
When Mercury is slow, people tend to have problems communicating. Slow responses, mistakes, poor scheduling, and major technical disruptions that affect travel, professional and personal progress.
Look for these areas to show unexpected disruptions, slowdowns, failures in negotiations, and overall frustrations:
Ø Slow decision making by others
Ø Mistakes in decisions, poor judgments
Ø People constantly rescheduling, cancellations, etc.
During times of Mercury’s retrogrades, expect slowdowns in communications with people often changing plans, being indecisive, unsure, that often that lead to widespread confusion. The results are missed appointments, loss of work and profit, and general frustration because things are not operating normally. Astrologically and practically, the best way to handle such problems is to take the time to avoid signing contracts and making promises one cannot keep during such retrogrades of Mercury. It is best to use the Mercury retrograde cycle to take the time to think over all the consequences of decisions and actions that are possible while not settling on a plan of action until after the retrograde is over.
These retrogrades sometimes can become blessings in disguise because it allows time for unresolved issues and decisions to be re-considered. Business and personal affairs can be carefully thought over while allowing for unfinished tasks that were started before the retrograde to be handled with more introspective and wiser action and thought ~ allowing for practical decisions to come to light. Mercury’s retrograde in mid-June to July lasts throughout the entire month of July because right after Mercury heads stationary direct, the transit continues to be slower than normal. This will last to about July 24, when Mercury picks up speed.