The 'Prime of Spheres' represents the initial seed of the idea which was nurtured by unknown forces until it was of sufficient energy to be manifested ... in simple layman terms, it represents the motive & intentions of person's unknown who planned & orchestrated the abduction of Madeleine McCann. By using the Prime of Spheres as the 'significator' for the days or weeks leading up to the 3rd May 2007 ... it may be possible to unearth an insight into the situation ...
Daily Merlin Insight
Monday 25th June 2007
11:05pm - 11:50pm
The Prime of Spheres depicts a huge orb of swirling white cyclonic energy in the very centre of the image ... four beams of white 'light' can clearly be seen escaping the centre white orb; in all four compass directions ... in each beam there is one of the primal creators. Preceding each creator is the image of a bee ...
Placed around the Prime of Spheres .... in each of the four directions taken by the Primal creators are four images representative of the weeks preceding the 3rd May 2007.
7 of Staves - 'Obstacles & fears to be overcome'
5 of Weapons - 'Careful thinking required'
5 of Staves - 'Obstacles unable to overcome'
3 - The Empress - 'The significator of Kate McCann'
Clearly in the weeks leading up to 3rd May 2007 there was conflict, obstacles, disagreements and more conflict. Arguments & discussions. More disagreements. Much of this was centred around Kate McCann? Why ... I feel there was something lurking or looming in her or Gerry McCann's business life which was of a concern. Something here appears to have been directed at Kate personally. Some kind of attack or condemnation perhaps? Interestingly (without pointing anything defamatory) the one of the four 'primal' creators appear to be known to Gerry McCann. One creator seems to have been assigned to link with Kate. The developing 'storm' appears not to have threatened Gerry in any way ... but had some kind of effect on Kate. Gerry may well have unwittingly introduced someone of a dubious nature through his business into their lives. It could have been through this connection that Maddy became known to her would be abductors. The intrigue here is the deliberate nature of this introduction into their lives by one of the primal creators. Their intrusion was deliberate ... a tip off had been received it appears ... about Maddy. I wonder if the three other primal creators represent three other children who have been 'taken' in similar fashion? These plans have been well orchestrated ... and clearly have a timetable of events to follow. Key events in the world ... key reactions ... all part and parcel of the summoned primal force. This primal energy has been devised like a snowball intended to grow and grow in power & energy. It appears to be transformative and an energy of purification?
Going on from this ... an indication of the next 'stage' in the situation ... the next layer of the onion skin ...
Giver of Weapons - Reward for effort
8 of Crescents - Leaving the past behind
Maker of Staves - Intelligence
9 of Spheres - Festivity & Celebrations
Seemingly the next stage appears to be a key stage. Over the next week ... perhaps two weeks ... significant events unfold. Not necessarily in the public eye. The familiar imagery of the GIver of Weapons --- a blond hair figure in white holds the flaming sword; before it kneels a knight of the order; a stag stands behind the giver --- a commendation or reward is to be announced. Some recognition or reward to be granted ... the knight to perhaps receive the flaming sword; to become the holder of the flaming sword. A treacherous path of initiation successfully completed ... the reason for the celebrations in the imagery of the 9 of Spheres.
How is this to manifest? What unfolds before our eyes ... will it be seen clearly? The Maker of Spheres denotes the efforts of the Intelligence Agencies connected to the mythological Unicorn. Efforts will be stepped up as those of 'the blue branch' become involved more in the case. Reports of infiltrations into secretive groups in the UK may well surface after much surveillance.
The 8 of Crescents indicates that slowly the Malta sightings will draw to a close. The aged Master dressed in Black depicted in the image leaves behind that shore ... and attention will be diverted elsewhere. The feeling here is that this image links to some dependency of the UK. 'Across the draw bridge' we go into the lands of the Celtic ... France or Scotland or maybe Ireland ... remember we had Monaco ... a celtic connection ... a red herring or another wild goose trail? Something unearthed closer to the English Channel ... someone sees a face in a crowd ... in a busy market place (perhaps).
What occurs may not be reported in the Media because still the blackout curtains remain. Within this phase ... reports of something somewhere within a woodland ... once more the trees ... pine trees ... white markers appear to line those branches ... but Maddy is alive; remember Maddy is alive ... the reports tell already she is alive ... and there she is; I see her captured on film; her warming smile and her head tilted nervously to one side. Her eyes filled with life ... at her feet the sand of a beach. A seaside town ... but where? The image really isn't that clear. Much speculation perhaps ... a southern seaside town (Bournemouth, Brighton?) or is this in the far south ... where it is much warmer; closer to the start of the circle ... because all of this appears very confusing.
But from what I understand ... it is not confusing at all. The Giver of Weapons needed time to reward the kneeling Knight ... for efforts in his initiation. The Maker of Staves needed to play his scripted hand ... to permit time to drift to the date allocated for the festivity & celebration ... 9/8 seems a key date within this layer of the maze.