The most obvious questions, asked elsewhere in cyberspace; discussed and dissected on numerous web-sites -- require more consideration. Here, they have been asked but in more complicated ways. Pitching my mind to higher awareness (again) -- gazing at this image of Madeleine McCann (chosen because it is one of the few which show Madeleine gazing directly into the lens) -- I must ask those necessary questions;
'Where are is she at this present time?'
'Who is she with?'
'Why was she taken?'
'When will she be returned?'
Six Of Staves -
Six flags on six staves with the background of a blue sky (reward)
Seven of Spheres
The Fool is seen dropping a sphere from his left hand; there are six other spheres already on the ground. The Fool is seen to be standing on a precarious looking pathway which travels through a narrow gorge (lost opportunity regained)
Keeper Of Weapons
A Blond haired man bears the flaming sword. He is within some kind of ceremonial hall. Behind him three men are seated on a raised stage. The central man is seated on a higher level than the other two. They appear to be judges or magistrates. They seem to be in judgement of the sword's keeper. A porthole above the central man's head suggests they are aboard a boat. It is a suggestion only (control & responsibility)
Giver Of Staves
An auburn haired woman stands amid a moorland landscape. There are snow capped mountains in the background. She bears an ornamental stave which has an open hand at its apex. Behind the woman is a unicorn. To her right a robed figure asks for possession of the stave (friendship)
'Are you still alive?'
Three Of Staves
A three shining orbs form a reversed triangle on an orange background; three staves complete the circuit (strength, balance & protection)
These answers must now be interpreted.
The overwhelming feeling here is of a reward-seeker (a ransom?). The need for reward. The need to gain some ascended ranking or respect for taking Maddy? This is emphasised by the flags on the 6 of Staves ... they rise up an invisible stairs from the first flag to the last. The blue sky suggests some kind of situation which is taking place in broad daylight. Which strongly suggests again a cover up. A trojan horse. Lost opportunities regained - the meaning of 7 of Spheres suggests the abduction had been planned for a while. There may have been other planned attempts. There may well have been other abductions used as a rehearsal for this one (if so where are the children, why have they not been returned) --- which has ominous signs of something much bigger than what is portrayed. It also points a finger towards the personal life of Gerry McCann. He may not be implicated but he must be questioned as to any revenge directed at him by clients or former patients? The very image of the fool in the 7 of Spheres image picking a specific image dictates the thought this is a abduction to order. It wasn't random. It was Maddy they were after. The Keeper of Weapons has real dark undertones of some organisation or team ordering her abduction. A means to an end -- a situation perceived and designed to bring something else into order. It has secret society implications. It is certainly well disguised. There is a hint of it being linked with someone who knows the McCanns -- the Giver Of Staves having the meaning of friendship. There is also the suggestion here that Maddy's life is not actually in danger with her abductors befriending her; which appears a part of the plan. There are a number of abductors. Almost like safe houses? Safe groups? As for her actual whereabouts. It is strange to say this is the hardest thing to detect. Almost like a will 'o the wisp they have her trail hidden. Many, many reports and theories are out there. Her location is linked to the sea or waterways and ports of call. I suspect they are predominately ocean bound and tour the Mediterranean sea from safe port to safe port ... the cause they seem to support permits them to remain undetected. The Three Of Staves has the meaning of protection, balance & strength which is indicative of a likely safe return to her parents. But why all this? Why ... is never likely to be known to the public. It will been contrived into a media headline story to satisfy the demanding public but ... it will never reveal the deep depths of where this goes and its implications. The identity of those who have perpetrated this event are controversial and hidden to say the least. An organisation which wears one face for its public standing, but wears its true face in its secretive and secluded conclave. One final gaze at the 3 of Staves suggests Maddy gains strength from her captors -- it appears there are other children there. She appears to be part of a group -- she has her tearful and frightened moments, but she is extremely resilient and strong. She will be totally unaware of the situation, strung along -- naively accepting the story told to her. She will firmly believe she will be back with her parents soon; I feel controversially that she is perhaps with someone who she is familiar with ... A predominant colour on most of the chosen cards is that of desert sand --- there appears to have been a number of ports of call where there are desert soils. The view of mountains on the Giver Of Staves is quite significant as it hints at one of her most recent destinations. Here I sense there is an ex-pat living where she would have resided when she was on the shore. Her current location is not easy to glean, with numerous nation's flags flying on the 6 of Staves suggests at least 6 countries have been her temporary residence (Spain? Portugal? Morocco? Canary Isles? ........? .........?) but there appears to be more ominous plans being proposed by the perpetrators. Ominous signals reflected by current affairs. It is quite unnerving that Maddy appears to be a proposed figurehead for some forthcoming event or series of events? The feel to the current abductors around her is military precision and control. Restraint and planned operation