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Tuesday, 11 December 2018

A Word On Creating Favourable Future Events

Farsight doesn't always reveal favourable outcomes; and the True Seer with several decades of experience, will divulge the truth of what has been seen ... telling what NEEDS to be said not what the recipient WANTS to hear. 

It is not always possible for the magical process to bend dimensions and makes events seen by farsight take place. Remember, the principle is that ALL things happen; all possible outcomes are played out in the multiple dimensions. Thus, if the dimensional lines are moved in this vibration to ensure an event occurs, it means it WON'T take place in the dimension it was meant to happen.

Quite often events spoken of by Lesser Seers, don't happen ... because they divulge what the recipient wants to hear, and not what has been seen by farsight. More often than not, the lesser seer, hasn't used farsight at all. They've merely given back what the recipient has told them.

The Greater Seer will be honest ... and will divulge what has been seen good or bad, in a discriminate way. Sometimes their farsight permits them to see the outcomes on other dimensions, and their magic permits them to bend the dimensional lines to make the event occur on this dimension. However, there is always a price to pay when this magical art has been employed. The responsibility of the recipients actions are on the shoulders of the Greater Seer. If they create havoc or chaos as a result of the outcome ... then it is the Greater Seer who pays for their folly. Woe betide the Greater Seer who uses this magic without responsible planning; for the folly will manifest in their life path.