Wednesday 20th June 2007
11:30pm - 11:45pm
'Where is the current location of The Shining Star?'
I have been sensing the last few days the circle has turned back on itself. Back to where it all began. However I am not convinced the Shining Star is back in Portugal. I do however sense her current location to be within touching distance of Portugal. Still well hidden. Still with her custodian & companion.
Nine of Pentacles - the imagery depicts a waiting figure. The locality appears to be a wharf or a pier. A male stands leaning his right arm on a post which bears five pentacles. His left foot stands on a tortoise. Behind there are suggestions of ruins or ancient monuments. The ground appears sandy or dusty. A white orb in the sky depicts the sun. On a ruin in the background of the image are two oval signs both depicting two pentacle each. In the foreground of the image is the indication of water.
Maddy appears to have arrived at a location by sea. There appears to be ancient monuments nearby. She and her constant companion will not have arrived alone. There will have been a group ... safety in numbers. Something I link with here ... 'blending into the surroundings'; 'who you would expect to visit these type of places' ... her safe house is similar to all the rest. A constant in all locations she's been with the benevolent group. However, they who met them at the quay were not the same ilk as they. It appears they were met by 'military minded personal'
What appears significant are the numbers 5 2 2.
Has Maddy come to any harm? Is she still alive (forgive me but it needs to be asked once more)?
Ace of Cups
Six of Swords
Six of Pentacles
The Ace of Cups - When I see this card, I think of Love and Spiritual powers in their purest, strongest form. It is a peaceful card. I understand the image to mean Maddy is surrounded by love. When I associate it with the Holy Grail ... I do not perceive anything to do with sacrifice etc. I understand it to depict rebirth with her representing the holy grail to her custodians!
Six of swords - She is a burden or baggage to someone. But this does not depict she is coming to any harm. Someone around her wishes the road to end and for the situation to end. There is impatience and there is someone viewing Maddy as a problem for them due to circumstances around the situation (not the publicity ... this has been anticipated ... it is the risk from other quarters I detect here)
Six of Pentacles - Maddy will be released. She is alive. However a balance has to be achieved, and a problem solved on both sides. Maddy's plight is seen by someone as the means to solve major problems . Maddy is a definite prize and an asset to someone 'big' ... the means to force changes ... the reason Maddy was chosen for abduction because she represents something significant.