Daily Mail headline, says:
A British tourist in Malta claims to have seen missing Madeleine McCann heavily disguised with a black wig and accompanied by an older Arabic man. The new lead is one of five different possible sightings which have been reported on the island since the weekend - news which investigators into the four-year-old's disappearance are said to be taking seriously.
Just how true is this eye-witness account? A valid clue? ... Or is it the way of 'the charioteer' who 'demands the observers attention; stares right into the eyes of the observer and distracts attention. Anything could be occurring in the carriage behind him' (Daily Merlin Mon 18th June 2007).The eye-witness accounts in Malta now appear to be coming in 'thick and fast' and are quickly ensuring the Media & the Public take this latest development seriously ... a smokescreen? Another trojan horse?
These are very recent sightings ... we can take it then Maddy is alive ... that is my understanding of these news items. But there is confusion and possible disinformation. Custodians of Maddy have now changed from Gypsies to Arabs ... but realise there are Maltese residents who appear Arabic & even speak the Arabic lingo ... some words in the Maltese language even sound Arabic in their pronunciation. So there is the possiblity of deliberate misleading statements I feel in these news items. Just like we are led to believe Gypsies had Maddy, when they could have been residents of Greece or even Cyprus ... we now are to believe Arabs have Maddy ... my god, the Iranians have her! To the average tourist visiting Malta ... say for the first time ... who sees a Maltese resident, it would not be difficult to term them as an 'Arba' speaking Arabic ... if they were none the wiser that some Maltese residents have the appearance of 'Arabs'.
This seems like a master illusionist at work, weaving storylines to generate public reaction. I'm inclined to believe these eye-witness statements to a degree. Some half truths and a degree of 'chickenfeed' (spy babble for mixing truth with lies) is present here. I feel its intention is to draw attention to Malta and have a mass convergence of world media there ... as a distraction and a smokescreen.
So, Maddy was in Malta in recent times ... I think that has been established. What I don't feel comfortable with ... is that she is still there. These eye-witness accounts were said to have taken place 6 days ago ... it took until 3 days ago to be reported ... there has been ample time for 'scouts' to have covered the trail from Malta to another destination; sufficient time for an unknown ocean going luxury vessel to have slipped out of Malta and now be anywhere west of the Straits of Gibraltar.
Six of Weapons - need for change
Nine of Spheres - festivities
There is no indication of 'the Shining Star' linked here. No significator. A suggestion of fruitless searching with regard to this possible sighting. I feel strongly the girl who was sighted here is perhaps linked to a festival or celebration where there was a need for fancy dress or costumes ... there are numerous festivals which occur on Malta. Not all the eye witness accounts can be Maddy.
User of Crescents - Happy Conclusions
Interesting image chosen at the same time as the other two. The intuitive meaning is positive. Its imagery very poignant with what is planned to occur this weekend ... a young girl faces a hooded figure across an altar in the centre of the image. Above them a number of doves hover in the sky below the moon. Around them calming waters flow. I'm not jumping to any conclusions with this image or its message ... but it is positive and points towards good news but not necessarily in the very near future. I intuit it indicates something beneficial comes of the 50th day campaign events.