The singer Bryan Adams has given the 'Find Madeleine' campaign permission to use his song Everything I Do I Do It For You as part of the publicity drive. "That song, at the minute, best reflects how Kate and I feel emotionally and how determined we are to continue searching for Madeleine," Gerry McCann told Sky's Ian Woods. "A bit like the balloons, it's to remind everyone that 50 days on, Madeleine is still missing and in three months, if she is still missing, we'll still be looking for her."
Gerry and Kate McCann's international information drive has already yielded reports from members of the public claiming to have seen Madeleine. Possible sightings of the four-year-old in Malta are the latest claims to be followed up in the search for the missing girl. (Sky News)
Video: McCann's Plans For The FutureTranscript
Daily Merlin Insight
12:13am - 12:40am
'What can be anticipated on the road ahead?'
A presence beside me. An awareness of news to be spoken. A sense of a whisper. Glad tidings wrapped in misgivings. What seems to go from bad to worse will be the silver lining which is all that it takes to renew hope and have have belief proven for ever.A former nurse who passed is here; and an Irish woman who died in labour. Both know what it is like to lose a child and they feel so deeply for Kate. There are silent tears here. Blessings for the good to come out of the bad. Lost children are on the trail. Discoveries sad for others but not for the McCanns. They will be so, so lucky. Ever so lucky.
Who might I say is your name?
Mary tell them Mary. Common Marie. In the common room I was bad, real bad. Tell K to dig real deep to remember. But she will. I'm with child here but it is not their child. The gates will not open for that wee thing no matter how hard someone may try to knock. She's coming home. I see a magical dove float on high ... and a singer's note to make the world cry.
A proud woman in a kitchen. Large and rather loud. Turkey with all the trimmings. I did the cooking for them all. A big crowd gather amid celebrations. I have to shout loud to be heard above the din. Tell K she is has absolution from all her sins because she never sinned anyway. What was is the past and it plays no part in the future. She need not feel guilty or blame herself for what took place. A village green and a young girl on the grass in tears with people walking away. Forget and heal.
Jake or Jack points towards G and smiles. He turned out fine though too easily lead for his own good.
I'm again unsure of what transpired just then. Postings in previous weeks were written in the same way as this ... again the same rule applies. I leave the information here on the off chance information here is proven to be correct and a help.
Six of Weapons
Five of Weapons (reversed)
[undisclosed card]
Giver of Staves
8 Strength
With duty fulfilled and purpose now surplus to design, one robed male gazes towards the future & ponders the future now. On his back is emblazoned the symbol of the flaming sword. He holds its mystery deep in his thoughts. In his left hand he grips the Hermit's staff. What transpired diffused the energy of the flaming sword -- five lesser swords absorbing that force -- the Giver of the stave contented now. Knowing safety is the operative word. Purification and cleansing must now take place. But what must we do with the little one ... a conversation ensues between a male & a female where it is permitted to talk. Witnesses to what unfolds in both worlds, feet and loyalties straddling both realms there words must be passed forth to the highest one. The grand one .... on their say that one must decide.
so to the numerals 6 8 & 15 ... and the trail which lies ahead. Strength is the path of the wise .... the 19th path; the path of Teth ... the Daughter of the Flaming sword .... the meeting with the other self ... fire, sunlight, solar symbols, rituals of initiation, tests of strength & will ... leader of the lion ... energy in its purest form --- released by what has come to pass to date by way of subtle and indirect means ... energy of this path now tapped and there to be used. Enter thus the sphere of Tipareth and absorb the overwhelming love.
The reason ... why the little one should now be released; the energy is summoned and ready to be used. Thus there is every reason for her to be returned unharmed ... so attention can be passed to the highest one. The energy then sent forth to him as it was written so it must be done. Know all the hearts will have been touched and opened wide that energy freely given ...