A pickpocket has stolen treasured pictures of missing four- year- old Madeleine McCann from her father. Gerry McCann was in London for a brief visit and withdrew £100 from a cash machine moments before the thief struck, lifting his wallet from a back pocket and running off. The three pictures of Madeleine and her brother and sister were in the wallet along with cards and the cash. They have never been seen in public and there are no copies. (This London)
I deem this event very significant. Why? Why would a pickpocket choose to rob Gerry McCann at the time of his return to the UK? Why the continued run of bad luck -- another 'kick in the face'? In my opinion ... it is very significant ... it means that Gerry McCann was being followed. His movements are being tracked. From their time in the UK prior to their trip to Portugal until the present day someone has been tracking & following the McCanns ... why?
I still feel for the McCanns, and I'm happy to continue my stance they are unwitting pawns in a situation which flows way above their heads. There is clearly much more to this situation than we are all permitted to know about. The media blackout is truly necessary. I wish not to pierce that veil and publish my findings; in case I inadvertantly stumble upon something detrimental to the situation. Still waters run deep with this ....
The photograph of Gerry McCann above tugs strongly on my heart strings. He is clearly in despair and fraught with deep rooted upset. He has more insight into this situation than we are permitted to know. There is a sense of deliberate 'patsy' with the media account of Maddy being left unattended. I now don't believe that part of the story. It is not a deception ... it is a necessary cover for something much more intense and complicated than simply the abduction of their oldest child. My views on Maddy's safety haven't and will not change ... I've received intuitive insights which I could so easily have published as her sad demise (all the information is basically of a 'symbolic' death not an actual death. So easy to mis-interpet)... but because I've also received stronger remote viewings of the end date and her safe return, I can safely continue my stance that Maddy is very much alive; she is to be returned safely after her 'borrowing' serves its hidden purpose. My current indications ... which are strong and perhaps difficult to truly perceive ... are the fact Maddy has been symbolically reborn into a different life. Let's face it ... when Maddy returns safely, her life will NEVER be the same.
This situation I can only best describe, once more ... as a trojan horse.