Below are some of the current theories featured on Functionpix which relate to 777 - The Flaming Sword & The Fatima Cult which were discussed in some detail on A Light In The Darkness in recent times. I do not necessarily agree with any of what is written below. My lips are basically sealed with regard to providing comments on these matters. What I will say is this .... much of my clairvoyancy & divination with regard to the disappearance of Madeleine McCann has touched on involvements with person's unknown who have an understanding of the Occult. These 'shadowy individuals' may have some belief structure based on these occult 'matters', or may have an intention to be inspired by the ancient mysteries which are written below. These theories may or may not have a relevance with the Madeleine case. Read these comments with an open mind and then review the material elsewhere in A Light In The Darkness ... then decide for yourself.
Been wondering about the significance of the blanket found today in the scrubland? Me too. If it's an indication she buried elsewhere, then it's bad news, but if it is a Magdalene Cult that has taken Madeleine ('Magdalene') here's how it might support their dubious agenda (did you Madeleine's birthday was the same day as the Feast Of Our Lady At Fatima: The anniversary of the Fatima Miracles?) Here's how I see it: the feminine icon's 'resurrection'. When Christ was crucified he was placed in the tomb wrapped in a shroud. When Mary enetered the tomb there was no body - just a blanket/the shroud. I think they are leaving evidence that would support somekind of 'transfiguration' theory. The Magdalene Cult want to indicate she is about to be reborn. On the third day she rose, or is the number different for the females? Mark 15 - Luke 2 "And Joseph [11] bought a linen shroud, and taking him down, wrapped him in the linen shroud and laid him in a tomb that had been cut out of the rock." For what happens next, have a look at the Gospel Of John. Release the dove... Is the next scene set on the shore of the Sea of Tiberias? Maybe. But's let's consider other options too. ("And there she was. Gone. Another reading" Functionpix)
Man associated with some bizarre religious cult pays doctors to make clones of his wife who he believes is the goddess Sophia and starts a macabre trade. A grotesque slant on human traffiking. But these children are not clones exactly but the result of ground-breaking bone marrow related AI treatment for childless couples. He goes bonkers. It's not about money but about some divine plan centered around 07/07/07, The Cult of the Magdalene and the Fatima Miracles. The children start popping up in different areas of the world seen by loads of different people everywhere. It gains international attention and folks start going off on one, and the whole thing brings chaos and mass hysteria (bit like the bi-location stuff with christ after the rusurrection - only without the sandals). Surrogate mothers paid-off, bumped off or just happy not to upset anyone. Along comes Detective Inspector Rosling and realises this refers to a practically unknown Christian/Sophian/Magdalean prophecy that Christ will return not as one person but as a group and will be feminine! The vatican is furious. The religious cult is a break off catholic cult inspired by the Fatima Plane hijacking 1981 by Laurence James Downey on May 02nd 1981 and threatens to bring the church into ill-repute. The Third Secret revealed by Mary during the Fatima Miracles really prophesized an 'apocalypse' in 2012. The leader of the bizarre religious cult is bonkers and religious enough to think that the ensuing celebrity or 'cult' of these children will save mankind. And the officer in charge has to decide whether to help break the case or whether not to and save mankind.Making matters worse is the fact that some dodgy spanish police officer and some traitors within the cult have infiltrated the trade and started trafficking some of these girls out to paedo-rings. And he's looking to take down Rosling.In the end our upstanding officer cracks the case. Saves both children and mankind. helps create a credible smokescreen to safeguard peoples interests at a higher level and goes home for tea. ("The Brides of Christ or Seven Brides for Seven Buddhas. Film plot". FunctionPix)
Tony Blair has a new religion and it's not Catholicism but a New-Agey version of it. He got kicked out of his own Catholic Church just over a year ago and faced with the loss of power in ten days time is intending to join the ranks in Rome until such a time that he can divide the church and become head of his own. The man is seriously power-hungry and delusional. The worst is yet to come. He is a very real danger. What's happening with the McCanns is the first electoral rally. It is an election campaign, a recruitment drive. It is a scam. A hoax and the real victim here is us. He is an evangelical cult-member: a religion based on a whole new feminine icon. Whether Madeleine returns or not people will be looking at the dates and the symbols surrounding the child and convincing themselves that there might be more to it. They'll tell us to look at all the coincidences, all the signs, all the religious imagery and tell us that it might just really be possible - that the new Christ figure came and brought the whole world together just a small but significant point in time: that it was miracle. It will be catholicism for the 'Most Haunted' Generation. The Da Vinci Code generation. It's being set up to appeal directly to your most vulnerable sensibilities and very likely have not a media advisor this time, but an advisor on cult activity: someone with a good track record in cults who can apply those same tactics at a higher level. This time it will be better branded, better publicised. A religion with 24 hour news coverage, downloands and ringtones and X-Factor prophets. ("Dial 777 for Murder" FunctionPix)