So as a public service to those individuals who might want to rid their minds of any knowledge of true health and live their lives as members of the ignorant masses (a la being "plugged back into the Matrix"), I've put together a mind wiping recipe that you can freely use to join the ranks of all the doctors, journalists, politicians and consumers who think there's nothing wrong with exposing yourself to an unlimited number of toxic chemicals from multiple sources. Just follow these simple directions and your mind will be wiped clean in no time:
Step 1: Stand in front of a mirror, with your hands placed calmly at your side.
Step 2:Look into the reflection and focus on your own eyes. Take three deep breaths to eliminate any tension.
Step 3: Repeat the following mantras three times each:
"America has the best health care in the world."
"The FDA is my friend."
"Synthetic chemicals are good for me."
"Pharmaceuticals are priced in a fair way that helps drug companies afford to find new cures."
"Food comes from factories, not dirt."
"Food and drug corporations are looking out for my best interests."
"Vaccines protect me from evil germs."
"Fluoride is good for me."
"If we all would just buy more products that donate money to the Susan G. Komen pink ribbon cancer research fund, a cure for cancer would be readily found. (The only reason cancer hasn't been cured yet is because not enough people go shopping.)"
"The more pharmaceuticals I take, the healthier I will get."
"The human body only needs calories, not nutrition, to survive."
"My genes are faulty and I was born deficient in patented chemicals. These chemical imbalances must be corrected through pharmaceutical intervention."
"The sun is my enemy. I must fear it at all times."
"Dead, cooked foods are nutritional equivalent to live foods."
"There is no such thing as a dangerous ingredient in personal care products. If chemicals were dangerous, the FDA would never allow them to be used."
"My purpose in life is to conform to the wishes of authority figures."
"The planet is able to absorb an unlimited amount of pollution from human activity. There is no cause for concern."
"Global warming is a hoax. Human activity has no effect on the climate."
"Man has conquered nature. We no longer need to concern ourselves with learning from or protecting nature. Whatever we need can be invented in a lab."
"The way to prosperity requires the use of genetically-modified foods and patented seed technologies controlled by caring, compassionate corporations like Monsanto."
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