"Lights Down Under" is currently under 're-design' ... much has changed since it was originally conceived. It has been a long time in getting off the drawing board, I know, and I apologise for this. There has been a change in personnel behind the scenes ... new faces and new contacts now connected with who are more linked to what the original design concept of 'Lights Down Under' was intended ...
So please, please, please bear with us as Lights Down Under MK1 is recreated ... originally it was to be a web site in itself, but due to the financial squeeze this has been postponed. Instead its genesis will be another Sister blog to A Light In The Darkness, until it is financially affordable to launch it as a web site ...Lights Down Under is planned to include e-mail readings, live phone and Skype readings ... by Matthew James and another Clairvoyant, who will be announced at a later date when the sister blog is finally launched (and possibly a third who doesn't know it yet) ...
'Lights On The Road' tour is currently being planned ... so please watch this space for more info!