Forget the following footage is on a certain planet in our solar system, we call Mars, just for a moment. Just try to have an open mind ... and relate the following images of Mars ~ courtesy of Google Mars ~ to what we are all familiar with ... our own world Earth.
If these pictures were of somewhere on Earth, we would be decreeing these images were of signs of civilisation and settlement. Evidence perhaps of some types of tracks and even ruins or perhaps a 'stone circle' ... maybe, if it was Earth.
But now realise these stunningly familiar images are of Mars ... now then, could they still be evidence of settlement and civilisation? remember ... there is 'no evidence of any life on Mars ... according to the official story that is ....
To find this for yourself via Google Mars, look for 'Olympica Fossae' ...

Settlement ruins close up? Perhaps even a giant monolith complex like Stonehenge perhaps? Look at the zig zag like tracks close to the left entrance. Plus it looks like moorland or tundra!!!
Aerial view of this strange anomaly ... note what looks like worn tracks at the left hand entrance to the anomaly and the myriad of small standing objects around the outer 'wall' which could be smaller sarcen stones ... weird eh??
Strange strata indeed ...white lines that look like tracks ... and a strange circular anomaly (which NASA will say is merely a crater!!!)Makes you think eh??
Update 16/3/09
These images may not what they seem. On negative image it presents a completely different environment .. the raking horizontal line in the last image at the centre ... appears the most intriguing image of them all.