The fires that consumed the Beijing building were on a completely different scale to those witnessed on 9/11, with the flames so violent and widespread that they masked almost the entire view of the building.
The best debunkers have come up with seems to be the false notion that the fires caused a partial collapse by making the building “lean”. This is of course complete baloney because the facade of the building was designed to appear as if it was leaning in the first place,
Since the Beijing building was still under construction, sprinkler systems had not been installed, providing another similarity to WTC 7, in which sprinkler systems malfunctioned before its collapse. The Mandarin Oriental Hotel was also a steel-framed building with a concrete core and may even have included steel salvaged from the debris of the twin towers and WTC 7 that was hastily shipped off to China shortly after 9/11. (Prison Planet.com)