I'd actually some of the products in the house, without their name sinking in ... and it was only recently that Orgonite has started to resonate in my grey matter. But then that's how many things occur within my reality. The things are there ... in the background, in the everyday ... until such time a light bulb brightens and it is time to take note ...

I acquired the experimental mouldings yesterday in a cheapie bargain shop; the resin and the hardener from Bunnings; the metal millings from a Metal shop in town. But, the millings are not the correct copper or aluminium. They are tiny shavings of steel, but they are non-organic so they should work.
I acquired numerous crystal fragments - Lapis, Garnet, Magnetite, Green Jade, Moonstone, Turquoise - to name just a few.
This afternoon I set about the task, permitting the first mouldings to be created chaotically ... the raw materials themselves dictating the shape and the design of the patterns. I cast four 90ml cup Orgonites ... and waited for them to set. By night fall they had hardened sufficiently to have the mouldings taken away ...
It became evident that the patterns had a mind of their own when I set about making four individual Orgonites for when I placed two of the forms together the pattern of the crystals and millings inside matched across the two seperate forms!! Two forms were thus made into one Orgonite Pillar ... ungainly to look at with the black milled steel millings ... but powerful in my hand nonetheless. It would affect the sky signal and the ADSL wireless modem!
When I checked the remaining two moulds I noticed that they too had an internal pattern which extended across the moulds. Which means I then had a second Orgonite Pillar.
My first efforts, with not the traditional materials or mould, were thus not that bad. I was fairly happy with my labours. But better is to follow as I have a few novel ideas in my head ...
My new friend e-mailed me this evening to kindly inform me that he has a bag of the 'correct' millings for me to pick up from his house. Labours in the next few days might thus herald a more traditional internal colour of my own unique Orgonites ...
Watch this space ...