Search A Light In The Darkness

Saturday, 20 December 2014

Operation Divide And Rule

It is seemingly silly season at the moment. Something in the air, or in the vibrational frequency that is turning mind against mind. Viewpoints and perceptions expressed by freewill are being severely challenged by other aspects of freewill. It is a frenzied maelstrom that has seemingly come out of nowhere. A sudden flash flood of frenzied madness. Evidence of these thought crimes are appearing all over social media sites. 

The question is ... what has caused this division and confusion? The rats in the laboratory maze have been hot wired and the experimental purpose seems to be 'lets see how they cope with electrical impulses of madness'. It is almost like the human condition has been blighted with insanity. Seriously. It is bedlam down here. There is something to be said about mind control via WiFi signals and other frequencies that are out there. All focused on the human thought patterns. There seems to be 'operation divide and rule' ... a ways and means of separation for the human psyche at this time.

Most of it is anger based. Most of it directed at the separate selfish ego. Most of it working on innermost fears, encouraging the separate egos to speak out loudly when their weaknesses and inadequacies are being exposed. It is actually a good thing in a way, as each of the facets of freewill are shown how far along the spiritual road they have travelled. It is a painful process is self realisation. Those who are most spiritually mature will dust themselves off and learn from the experience. They who are shouting the loudest are aware of the significance of the challenge. For it is a challenge. Our minds are being bombarded with mental imagery 24/7, more so now with the appearance of wireless WiFi etc. Our consciousness can easily be hijacked by these frequencies that lie close to the human thought processes.

Many of us are being deceived by thought processes that are not actually our own. It is essential to understand how to differentiate between the two ... for so many are being systematically fooled by ‘higher forces’ making connection with them, claiming to be inspirational supernatural beings. When in truth they are not what they say they are. The human separate ego is being fooled with something it craves – the chance to lead the human psyche away from true spirituality! The ego doesn’t want to evolve. It likes to ravish in self importance not self growth. Countless souls are being deceived but are NOT AWARE. They fight and they argue in defence of these forces without truly investigating what they are. But what are these mind controlling signals? And where are they coming from? Are they the cause of the current human disease? For it is a disease … a very evident mental disease. A blight afflicting the insecure human ego.

Both sides of this current mental battle really need to stop and think. To become aware of what is occurring. Some unseen agency appears to be pulling strings at this time, creating a very obvious divide and rule. Tweak the ego of one of the laboratory rats and see how it goes round the corridors of the maze biting the other rats. It’s as crazy as that! It’s clearly a game of divide and rule set up …human beings be aware, there is something out there systematically attacking ... until this phenomenon is recognised it is only going to get worse!