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Sunday 24 June 2007

Chemtrails: What's Going On?

The word "chemtrails" is a knock off of the word "contrails." Contrails are trails of condensation that can be seen in the sky when a jet airplane is traveling at above 30,000 feet altitude. Up there, almost 6 miles high, the air is thinner and colder -- very cold. Outside temperatures can dip to minus 60 F and the air is often full of minute ice crystals that hang suspended and invisible. When these ice crystals get sucked into a hot jet engine they turn into a gas, like steam, and can be seen as puffy white cloud-like lines that follow behind the jets. They usually dissipate and fade away as the moisture once again returns to form invisible ice crystals.

"Chemtrails" are something different. They are often formed behind jet aircraft at a much lower altitude and seem to persist in the sky. They often have a different color from contrails and frequently exhibit a rainbow spectrum if lit just right from the sun.

In the photo above, not all of the white lines are "chemtrails." Probably most are regular contrails or "con"densation trails from jet commercial airline flights. It just illustrates the severity of the problem -- even without any conspiracy.

The conspiracy, however, adds another degree of complexity to the problem. It claims that certain trails are not a mere byproduct of modern aviation but rather a deliberate attempt to introduce cloud-like formations in the atmosphere, restricting our sunlight and possibly poisoning us with chemicals. Hence the term "chem"ical trails.

The term was first introduced by journalist, William Thomas, in 1997. He wrote about something that many people had been seeing in the skies above their homes all across America. It wasn't so much that people noticed the white trails from jets, or even that there appeared to more of them than they remembered in the past, but that the aircraft making these white lines were flying in unusual ways -- often in zig-zag patterns or making multiple parallel lines of white trails that tended to expand and eventually cover the sky with a canopy of clouds.

nitially, people began to question the government, thinking it was some kind of weather control project, but NASA and NOAA and even the military have denied any knowledge or involvement in the phenomenon. Independent researchers, convinced that something is going on, have posed sinister theories which have gained acceptance from the government's apparent lack of interest and even ridicule of the idea that there is anything unusual.

Analysis of the trails is difficult, at least from the ground. But occasionally the trails have drifted to much lower altitudes and have apparently condensed to form strange residues that have been collected from trees, roofs and ponds. More fuel for sinister conspiracies was the fact that these residues were found to contain higher than usual levels of barium and aluminum. Barium is toxic to animal life and aluminum is implicated in Alzheimers.

By 2001, angry citizens had mustered enough physical evidence and thousands of photos and video tapes to make at least one congressman, Mr. Dennis Kucinich, include the phenomenon in a bill, (HR 2977) "The Space Preservation Act of 2001" where chemtrails were to be prohibited as an "exotic weapons system." After some closed door discussions, the bill was re-introduced (HR 3615) with this portion of the prohibition omitted.

If it smells and looks like s***, it probably is s***. Something is definitely going on here. A review of the average surface temperatures over the last decade shows a decrease of 0.5F, while atmospheric temperatures have undoubtedly been rising. Scientists attribute this to trails -- either chemtrails or contrails or both. Non-scientists have noticed that beautiful sunny days are often turned into overcast by the crazy zig-zag flights of jets and wonder if this could also cause droughts or respiratory illnesses. It's crazy, and no one in the government seems to want to address this. (

Theories on Chemtrails here