The Medicine Wheel is a symbol for the wheel of life, which is forever evolving & bringing new lessons and truths to the walking of the path. The Earthwalk is based upon the understanding that each one of us must stand on very spoke of the great wheel of life many times; and that every direction is honoured. Until one has walked in the shoes of others, or stood on their spokes of the wheel, is not possible for one to know their hearts.
The Medicine Wheel teaches that all lessons are equal; as are all talents and abilities; it is a pathway to truth, peace and harmony. The circle is never ending; life without end.
In experiencing the Good Red Road, one learns the lessons of physical life. This road travels from south to north in the circle of the Medicine Wheel. After the graduation experience of death, one enters the Blue or Black Road, which is the world of the grandfathers and the grandmothers. In spirit, one continues to learn by counselling those remaining on the Good Red Road. The Blue Road of spirit runs from East to West.
The Medicine Wheel is life, afterlife, rebirth and the honouring of each step along the way