Every day we are all bombarded with psychic information (psyonic energy). The thoughts and feelings of other individuals, energies dispersed from dying animals & plants and the pollution of the Universal unconscious mind by negative and violent thoughts all contribute to the noise we have to filter out. Add to that specific psychic attack such as someone directing their anger at you or ‘mentally undressing’ you, then you start to see the need for decent protection in your normal life, let alone when you venture into other parts of your mind or the spiritual realms.
Protection is one of the basic principles in the physical world. We wear clothing to protect us from the weather, hats to protect us from the sun and shoes to protect our feet from the ground. However most people go about their day totally without ‘energetically’ protecting themselves. I remember the aura of someone walking in my door once being particularly disturbing and on questioning found she had just been working at the state prison. Psychic protection is important for everyone, even more so for people working in health and caring roles, with psychological tools and in spiritual realms and even in shopping centres!
When we are born, we are automatically protected until we show that we can survive and are capable. However this protection can be lost at any age, and for any reason. Once the innate protection is lost the adept must re-learn the art..
Madame Blavatsky, the founder of the Theophist movement talks about the neccessity:‘There is a veil between the world we know and the world of the spirit. When we are born, that veil is intact, and the psychic entities of the other side don’t see us and can’t find us. When that veil is pierced, for whatever reason, then the light from this world shines through and attracts all the beings, good and evil, to investigate the source of that light, and to try to manifest on this plane.’
Protection, however, isn’t that difficult to do, once you understand and integrate the concept.
Our aura is the lens through which we all perceive and experience life and our every thought, word and action from all time is contained within it. Also the sheer act of going about our every day living means we literally absorb all matter of energies, good, bad or indifferent. Some energies are significant, intense and profound and many are not, but it all accumulates and in fact is a part of how the natural law of ‘karma’ by which we learn and grow works.
When we ‘protect’ ourselves or a space we essentially re-enforce the containment of all energies present within our field or that space, and yet we may not really want to be carrying around the energy of the horrid disagreement we had yesterday with our co-worker or aunt Mary last week. Hence the need for ‘clearing’ prior to protection.
In this context clearing is the cleansing of our aura of whatever energies we choose which can range from a daily ‘dust off of unharmonious energies’ right through to the ‘clearing of karma’ back to the akashic records.
Remember we are dealing with energy where intent and thoughts are things and we can create our realities with them. Adding ritual and visualization gives even more focus and hence energy and power to whatever we are doing. So see which of the following suits you and do it regularly in the same way at the same time every day. It is often best done in the morning before we venture into the day. (READ MORE ... ... )