Relax though ... am I protected at this moment in time? Yes, I am ... but it is not a conscious effort on my part. It is a second nature action. Something undertaken by my high consciousness on an as needs basis. I feel the signs that I am vulnerable and a shield of blue energy comes around me ... it is not something I am always conscious of. Often I see looming spectres in the room, and forget they are my four sentries.
When I undertake circles or development groups I summon protection yes, but it is for the benefit of others, not myself. I have developed the habit of absorbing all energies ... over the years ... and transmuting those energies through the many processes until those energies are neutralised and absorbed back into the akashic plane. Karmic ties broken ... the energy of no polarity once more.
Ask me why I do this? I do not know. I just have no fear. In truth I am very Early Egyptian with my awareness of no evil, no black magic, no white magic ... only energy which has a magnetic attraction to the strongest polarity of the magician. There appears to be times when we all have to be the angel to some and the devil to others. The latter is in the human collective to be sinful and guilt-laden; something which can bugger up our lives forever. It is not necessary. We are what we are ... energy transmitters and receivers ... experiencing this existence amongst each other. We merely absorb energies and we transmit energies. Nothing is wrong ... all is as it is meant to be. No matter what.
All of existence is captured in a state of flux between the polarities. Reactions between negative and positive. Both polarities striving to harmonise. Too much positive is as bad as the other pole ... the ideal is to be a grey blend of both. Once all of existence becomes this harmonious blend of positive and negative, those ripples will cease ... and perhaps the need for physical existences will too because there are no comparisons ... no balances ... no contrasts ... those things which this physical world is created from.
I am not frightened of much out there ... all is one energy anywhere eventually. I do not therefore feel the need to go around protecting myself all the time. Okay recently I am a little miffed at all the complications this energy process creates ... times like now I adopt the reflective mirror around me and send the energies I do not want back to the sender! Now that is fun. I growl back at those who dump their anger on me ... for example!!!
Anyway, soapbox lecture is now drawing to a close ... I'm fit to drop now. In a moment I will wander up to my wonderfully comfortable bed, put on my Ipod and drift into luxurious bliss .... as I explore another RV destination. Perhaps tonight I will choose to usher in some psychic protection so I can perhaps stick my feet out of the quilt and not get them grabbed for once ...
Maybe then I won't get the lower astral uglies coming in close to me in the night ... maybe then I will have chance to work with my own energies for a change, because in recent times I know that the energies I have been transmuting are not my own. Many of the current issues in life are not my own ... I'm merely working off some karmic ties that someone weaker than myself cannot face. Maybe tonight I will get the astral scissors out and cut those strings and send that energy back to where they perhaps belong.
Maybe then I can find my own true path again ... and have a break from healing the unknown strugglers whose energy I carry on my shoulders. But then ... I carry their energy for a reason ... perhaps they are the weaker links in the chain of my soul group. Maybe it is a group effort to make all in the group the same strength. Perhaps it is my role to help the stragglers catch up because there may have been a time that the soul I am helping helped me in the past when I was the straggler ...
All I know is I go wholeheartedly in this life along this path where my gut instinct takes me; how my gut instinct tells me to do things. I have never followed the conventions set by the New Age movements ... I ignore the comments from other 'psychics' and 'clairvoyants' who rant about protection and guides and evil spirits ... that is their path at this time. It is not mine ... my path works for me ... and that is all which is important. Good night.