Search A Light In The Darkness

Friday 2 November 2018

The Seekers

Virtual life never stays still for any length of time. It appears to be a perpetual program of experiences that is controlled by a mechanism beyond our limited understanding as observers of human AI's.

Our own personal dilemmas might give the appearance of being static, or as solid as concrete. But that is only the illusion of the manifest plane. They appear stationary, and binding, when viewed only with the limited five senses. Compared with the apparent length of existence, which runs into alleged billions of years, our struggles are very short lived and meaningless. We're forced to look at it all as separated cells, and therefore we lose track of that bigger picture.

The brave ones amongst us are the ones who are able to push aside the meaningless human struggles, and focus on that bigger picture. They question everything that we are told about life on earth. They back engineer all that has brainwashed us, and programmed our perceptions to view reality in the way that we do. These are The Seekers. They explore incredible worlds created by their thought processes, and untethered perceptions. They experience inexplicable phenomenon that defy logic. They realise truths that are rarely shared with the average.

The Seekers are those who are born with a gnosis, and know the world around us is not how we are told. They have the courage to explore these realisations, and are very selective with who they impart their wisdom. Because in the wrong hands, it can further tie the knots that bind us; thus go against what it is they are born to try to achieve.

Know these seekers ARE on the earth plane, and they are picking at those knots that hold us in our current thralldom. Their roles are being realised, and they are going about their missions.