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Tuesday 21 August 2007

Yin and Yang

The Yin-Yang come to us through early Chinese philosophy. The yin and yang represent the principles of opposites, yet union in those opposites.

Yang is the "male" component, encompassing the sun, creation, warmness. light, active or dominant.

Yin is the "female" complement: the moon, completion, cold, dark, passive or submissive.

On the Tree of Life, Chokmah shows Yang energy; Binah, yin energy. These 2 principles should never be simply compared with the physical male and the physical female, but rather, as energy types.. As the symbol indicates, the yin and yang are joined. Each of these opposites produce the other: Their interchange is cyclical. All of the seeming polarities, which might seem like opposites at the time, are explainable with reference to the temporary dominance of one principle over the other. However, we are all one.

There are no real opposites.

Darkness,-Light,/Bravery,-Fright,/Love-Hate/Defamed-Sublime/Cups-Rods/Men-Gods are only mirror images of each other, and the mission of the human being is to reconcile the opposites and incorporate them as one. There is but a single principle in the universe-the Tao.