Sunday 26th August 2007
7:30pm NZ (8.30am GMT) - 8.03pm NZ (9.03am GMT)
Servants of the Light
5 of Weapons - (reversed)
3 of Spheres
Giver of Weapons
5 of Weapons (literal meaning) indicates 'an emotional loss. A negative fear that others are plotting against you or trying to take over what you regard as your rightful place in the scheme of things.'
3 of Spheres (literal meaning) indicates ' the lord of material works.' Indicates increased opportunities and the recognition of your worth to others. Three symbols in the image ... the star symbolises fame; the heart symbolises love and admiration from others; the flower indicates growth. Success is on the horizon.
Giver of Weapons (literal meaning) relating to the image itself which depicts 'the giver of weapons holding the fiery sword without fear of pain though it burns with an everlasting flame. As the channel for the Lords of the Flame she is impervious to heat, a Vestal Priestess of great power and energy. She will not only pass on the sword, but the strength to wield it as well. Before her kneels the user, he who will wield the weapon when their is a need for its powers.'
Perhaps not intuited from the literal meanings of these three images, but it is necessary to reiterate that Madeleine McCann remains safe and well. Hidden away. 'Take out of the picture' until such time those behind the charade permit her reemergence to occur. It is currently frustrating times with the circle spinning round and round, but know behind the jester in the image of the 3 of Spheres, the curtain is set open wider and wider as the trail moves closer and closer to the locality of Madeleine McCann. The 3 of Spheres & the 5 of Weapons appears to most certainly represent the presented 'face' of the campaign ... seen as the beleaguered jester after all the twists and turns. The Giver of Weapons the symbolic reason behind it all.
After nigh on a month of media falsehoods it appears the cracks which had begun to show through the concealment curtain are hidden once more. Is this a rite of vengeance directed at Gerry McCann? A bizarre initiation by ones of a high order magick circle? Following this line of 'alternative theory' further along ... might Madeleine McCann have been deliberately shipped out of Portugal and hidden somewhere in Spain (for example) at the end of a 'symbolic' journey to various significant sites around Europe? By members of an order obsessed with ancient symbolism ... to follow out the pattern of a ritual? To Gerry & Kate her abduction may be all so real ... with threats and taunts by individuals taking place in the months leading up to her disappearance. Might it be the intended outcome of these individuals to release Maddy back safely to the McCanns on an pre-planned date? Might Gerry & Kate know or have a very good idea who it is that holds their daughter in a hidden location? Might Gerry & Kate be unwitting participant in a high order chessboard 'game' in which Maddy is the pawn used to forced them to play their 'hand'. Might it be necessary for other members of the order to manipulate the media in order for the true investigation to occur behind the scenes unhindered ... because those who hold Maddy are of some significance and cannot be seen to be those responsible? There questions may be pure speculation, but represent a line of theories and insights most surely worth considering. Maybe they will be explored in further detail here ...
Whatever the speculation, whatever the theory or the reason ... there is one 'fact' of which I am still VERY sure ... that is Madeleine McCann is STILL ALIVE. No amount of macabre media speculation will ever change that view!