Daily Merlin Insight (using Servants of the Light tarot)
Tuesday 28th August 2007
10:40pm - 11:35pm
'Taking a trip back in time to the journey by Gerry & Kate in the first week of August 2007. Back to when they visited the border of Spain & Portugal. Using the insights gained to intuit anything of significance.' Using the photograph of Kate & Gerry here:

This is rather odd in itself ... 'dramatic' implications ... there are only Gerry & Kate in that photograph? But then why is there also the significator of Maddy right between those of her parents? Unless of course Maddy is also there on that photograph? Controversial then ... to say the least ... so why then all the events that have unfolded since then if it was the case? Why hasn't it been reported that Maddy has been returned to the McCanns? Why the continuation of the 'disappearance' if it is not the case ...?
An enigma then ... perhaps best to be dismissed as coincidence? Surely? An anomaly on the photograph like it was described at the time ... ??
For now ... discarding that possibility ... focusing now on the lower three cards ... the Giver of Weapons, the 2 of Staves, Keeper of Weapons ... all three insights have already been associated with this situation. The Giver of Spheres is an extremely cautious woman ... one who is shrewd, capable and confident in her own powers. Passing forth the sphere to the 'jester' ... he must be worthy therefore of her trust. A woman therefore not to be crossed the wrong way. A powerful ally and a dangerous foe ... perhaps? Especially if the 'jester' (her view of males it appears) abuses her trust or fails to carry out his side of the bargain.... (section removed)..... does anything of merit come into view? The Giver of Spheres is perhaps the High Priestess in other 'circles' ... formidable in that capacity yet approachable in the form she presents herself before the jesters. .... (section removed) ... Her links therefore are likely to go to the highest high ... represented by the Keeper of Weapons ... the imagery which we've met before with links to sailing the seven seas ... the vessel of a court etc etc ... within that image we see the knight bearing the image of the flaming sword in his hands ... perhaps even the flaming sword itself. Standing before that highest of high courts awaiting judgement ... the image links to the holder of the bloodline ... to ancient law ... that which is the flaming sword has the literal meaning of 'such a weapon can be forged only once in an aeon, at the end it will be returned into its own element' (her own family) .... (section removed) ......
The 2 of Staves ... does it hold the answer? Two hands in opposition it appears ... one hand bears a shepherd's crook and the other a knotted scourge. But which side is which? What side is foe and which is friend. Which side holds Maddy ... (section removed) ...? In ancient times of the Pharoahs of the Two Lands ... the right hand bore the crook which was the sign of mercy; the left hand bore the flail which was the sign of absolute justice. So it is here with this image ... truth must shine through ... to get what is deserved .... (section removed) ... How can the figure behind the car be that of Maddy? ......................... (section removed)................
**Updated Wed 29th August 2007**
Following a request via e-mails received earlier this morning, I have willingly deleted certain sections of this posting. I have also changed the title of this posting. I fully emphasise with everyone linked close to this situation and it is for this reason I have amended this post.
**Update #2**
Following further e-mails regarding the original subject of this post ...anyone who is interested in reading this post in its original format, please feel free to make contact via e-mail and I will send a copy of the transcript in word document format.