Daily Merlin Insight (Using Servants of the Light tarot)
Wednesday 29th August 2007
10:30pm -
'Using the User of Weapons 'Significator' for possible insights around the situation ....'
Familiar images all around. The Empress firmly by the side of the significator. The Emperor above and to the left. Perhaps above is significant of higher rank? But then surely the status of Emperor befits the consort to the Empress? Note the 'trinity' of the suit of weapons. The Keeper ... the User ... the Maker ... all linked and entwined within this situation. Organised by knights of the mind? The User appears to be the 'front runner' or the one on the front line. The spokesperson or maybe Figurehead for the court of weapons. The court of 'swords' ... the court amid the conflict in other word. But then if the user is under the control of the keeper ... who then is its 'keeper'? Or is this just a slant on words. 4 of Spheres the current situation ... the User seen to be visibly upset ... unnerved by the interjection presented by the 2 of Staves .... the two sides to every story. It's time for the script of the User ... his account of it all to be heard. Silenced by preplanned circumstances ... the disappearance occurring in Portugal with its secrecy laws and its policing methods ... is this why Portugal was selected? Why not Greece or the UK ... but then this part would not have been as it has been? Sympathy must be given to the User of Weapons as it is clear it is his phantoms from the past he fights ... he wields the sword against an opponent with her back to us the observer ... it is the User who must now defend himself as it appears the female accuser was the one who set all of this off? Was it the Portuguese presenter reported in the tabloids? Or is this someone else ... a figurehead from The User's past ... someone aggrieved about the marriage between the Emperor and the Empress? And who is the young child who is seen to hide behind the User in that insight ... not Maddy surely? Could this be another child ... another offspring in the past? There are snippets of reverberations ... shades of possibility ... who is Abby? Where is there banking here (not the name of a Building Society that is pure coincidence) ... ??? Trading in the heart of the city? I doubt that the Empress will be kept in the dark over this matter ... for this appears like a shadow hanging over their lives ... a deepening mystery ... know the world of the court of weapons is indeed a world of the occult. It matters not ... it has no consequence ... except for its very far reaching sphere of influences. Reaching far and reaching wide like red serpents wrapped around the pillars of power. The User knows so many within the schemes of things ... well learned, well versed, well skilled and so much more than the persona portrayed. Family ties far and wide. Names within names ... ties within ties. A gifted man with so much on his shoulders. To be successful there are many a toe to step on or over. Well groomed and well prepared within the court ... know it those at the highest who must always fear their secrets. It ensures they conform to the wishes of they who they represent. And when the representation is those of the highest high ... the stakes are raised even higher.
Know the campaign of the User of Weapons is in all truth on behalf of the flaming sword. He knows well enough that flame still burns, her heart still beats ... he is truly the paternal link ... and in the capacity of the Emperor he loves with all his heart that little girl. But as the User of Weapons he has his sworn responsibility to the court of weapons. That which was granted means he must ride through these stormy seas the best way that he can ... in order to permit the two opposites of the 2 of Staves to join. He can only do it as the provided script ... as it appears to have been planned ...