Functionpix Headline 'Madeleine McCann alive in Spain – new discovery following Portuguese Police false press tactic.'; says; ' Missing 4 year old Madeleine McCann is apparently alive and has been living in
Sightings of a girl resembling missing Madeleine have recently been reported in the
Servants of the Light
4 of Spheres
4 The Emperor
Stability in a volatile situation with someone of a military mind planning a tactical directive. The 4 of Spheres depicts 'the lord of earthly power' and is the faint echo of the Emperor itself. In the instance of the 4 of Spheres, which depicts a cube hanging in space, on each corner is a cube of light, one one side of the cube we see a sunburst, on another a horn... literal meaning ... 'the cube stands for something that is squarely correct ... the symbols of the cube mean health & wealth and plenty ...
First impressions relating to this story is to disregard its claims as unfounded. As more of the same confusion which is currently out there. This was my first and foremost intention, after I read its implications. I was going to dismiss it until my intuition demanded I give it a second look.
It would be so easy to be dismissive of this source. But, might it be slipped into the arena as a 'truth' with the 'contact' , who provided the information, fully aware that the first reaction would be to dismiss this story as fable and another media falsehood? It might be a deliberate and intentional ploy by someone close to the campaign (someone in the know) to let the truth out into the public arena via the most improbable of sources?
I am open minded in truth ... the sense of 'closer to the truth' reverberates when I consider the possibility of Maddy being concealed in Spain.
**Update 11:10pm NZ**
It is worth noting that the journalist Toby Serter who is credited with this story has in the past written a good half-dozen reports for this site which have turned out to be complete fabrications: one report saying Robert Murat had been charged with the kidnap; another that and the DNA on the Tongeren bottle matched Madeleine's DNA. Therefore the odds are that this particular report is a falsehood (many thanks to A.S for pointing this information out.)
However, it is still worth being open minded with regard to the developing Spanish diversion, as it is very possible one reported sighting will be genuine.