John Dee was dedicated to the newly-formed Church of England (or the Anglican Faith), and this can be seen throughout his journals and his "Enochian" system of Angel Magick. Therein, we find an obvious belief in the Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). We also find a fourth Supreme Being in the figure of "Galvah" (Omega)- who is also called the Mother, Wisdom and "I AM" in
Beneath these four Divinities are several hierarchies of angels, or intelligent rulers, set over such things as the Planets, the Stars and the four Quarters of the Earth.
The angels of the four quarters are symbolized by the "Watchtowers"- four large magickal word-square Tables (collectively called the Great Table of the Earth). Most of the well-known Enochian Angels are drawn from the Watchtowers of the Great Table.
Each of the four Watchtowers is collectively governed by six Seniors (aka Elders)- making a total of 24 Elders as seen in the Revelation of St. John. Each Watchtower is further divided into four sub-quadrants, where we find the names of various Archangels and Angels who govern the quarters of the world. In this way, the entire universe, visible and invisible, is teeming with living intelligences.
Below is a partial list of the Enochian Angels taken from the Watchtowers:
Contents: Top - 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z