Daily Merlin Insight (using the Servants of the Light tarot)
31st August 2007
11:20pm - 11:55pm
'Insights around Kate & Gerry McCann using the significators The Emperor & The Empress' ...
Uncannily, the 2 of Weapons & 10 of crescents have appeared in association with these significators. The 3 of spheres & the Giver of Weapons have been closely associated with numerous insights over the previous months.
Another uncanny occurrence is the number sequence from left to right beginning with the 6 of the reversed 6 of Staves .... the 4 of the Emperor ... the 3 of the Empress and the 5 of the Priest ... -6, 4, 3, 5 ... using the numerology of this I glean the situation is out of sync. Things are out of order. Indeed the 6 of Staves reversed indicates delayed news or delayed plans ... something has occurred that has changed the sequence of events in recent times. What might the significance of 'The Priest' be here ... or give the image its other name ... 'The Hierophant' named after Chiron, the Wounded Healer? Incidentally ... it is interesting to note that in mythology Chiron was born as a hybrid ... a genetic anomaly part man and part horse. The coincidence here is that a wounded healer (genetic engineered) is linked to the significators of Gerry & Kate McCann in this particular insight. Could the current change of plans be linked in someway to a colleague or associate of the McCann's?
The Giver of Weapons links again to some ceremonial responsibility or even to a sacred marriage. We see in the image the User of Weapons bowing before the Giver of Weapons in readiness of receiving the flaming Sword ... wait a minute, the User of Weapons is the main significator for Gerry McCann in previous insights. The implications here are mighty. Much on which to muse upon.
The 3 of Spheres presents again the image of the campaign with the red curtain of concealment seen partly open behind the Jester ... how then might the insight of the 3 of Spheres be linked to the Giver of Weapons? How might it all be linked to all the other insights. Clearly there is a need for the campaign, its funding ... its links to the conception of the Flaming Sword ... and its link with all the resultant lifted level of awareness with all the other missing & abused children of the world?
Above the middle line of 4 is the representation of the opposition to Gerry & Kate shown by the 2 of Weapons ... to the right is the card of accomplishment & 'living happy ever after' ... the 10 of Crescents. The very presence of the 10 of Crescents indicates that the opposition can most surely be overcome. That it is a current 'battle' being fought. What is done is done ... and Gerry & Kate are doing the best they can to turn around the reversal of the 'six flags which lie at the bottom of their poles' in the 6 of Staves ...however, I have gained sufficient confirmation from these insights to glean that 'what is done is done' does not relate to the passing of Madeleine McCann ... Madeleine IS still alive and well. Negotiations will ensure her SAFE return ... a certain sequence of events to satisfy her custodians to secure her safe return this time.
Also 'wounded healer' may also be a 'the priest' too ... a healer/ doctor who has sufficient station to undertake ceremonies as a priest?