Daily Merlin
Monday 27th August 2007
10.25pm - 11.00pm
Servants of the Light
'A quick turn of cards to merely see what situations are around the Shining Star at this point in time'
The central image, that of the Maker of Spheres ... the unknown 'custodian' of Madeleine McCann holds all the control represented by the spheres in its hands; the spheres held in the pattern the maker desires. Everything seemingly goes to plan. But with the background of the image surreal ... what reality does the mind of the Maker belong in? Flitting around the Maker are the busy bees ... the workers used to create the illusions and the smokescreens. Very much under the control of the maker of spheres; therefore it appears the persona who is the Maker of Spheres has considerable control and sway over the media. Responsible therefore in recent weeks for the macabre gutter press which we have all been subjected to. Perhaps, therefore, the trail has moved in close ... perhaps too close for comfort ... and all the macabre was called for to disguise the identity of the maker? Someone mentioned in the press in recent times perhaps? The there is the image of the young girl in the image here ... dare we assume it is she who the campaign seeks? Is it all as apparent as it's been presented ....? The two trees linked to the maker by way of the image impress the two establishments affected by the whole routine. It travels deep into the established world .... the world which common mortal man does not see in its true form; hence the abstract landscape which we see the maker in.
The Prime of Weapons, the Sun, 7 of Staves & 2 of Crescents ... all the aspects linked to the Maker and therefore under his control. The Prime of Weapons (the blazing sword) .... Madeleine McCann is that prize to this persona. A bargaining tool. It is a mystical weapon, a sword used by Divine Intelligence. Linked to air, communication and justice. The Maker of Spheres appears therefore to know the McCanns and uses 'the threat of harm' to their daughter as the leverage for an apparent, perhaps political agenda .... convince the McCanns that the worst will occur to Madeleine to ensure they will move in the direction the Maker wishes them to. The Maker of Spheres has hold over them ... has secrets of theirs perhaps ... in his hands ... and this is further leverage. Perhaps this is little more than blackmail. The wellbeing of Madeleine McCann is the essential ingredient behind it all. A volatile situation indeed ... therefore the wellbeing and health of the Sun (in the future position I might add) indicates Madeleine's continued survival. The 2 of Crescents is the 'replica' of the original which Madeleine appears to represent; her means of conception surely ... outrage and perhaps 'uncovered mysteries' ... something clearly links the Mccanns to some influential sphere of station ... this is not an ordinary abduction case. Nor is it a case of mistaken identity. Nor is the media speculation true in any way. It has suited the Maker to be out there in the public in the way it has been. It may now be ordered by assumed places of power to calm down ... but those behind the curtain are in truth more powerful than those faces. But it now must tie in carefully to dates, times and places. There is a busy schedule ahead. Drawing it out of the public eye ... permits the story to be buried beneath layers and become concealed. Then the true intentions take place behind closed doors. For it to then surface again once more ... this most truly is intended as a test of wills. A political battlefield.