Daily Merlin Insight
Saturday 25th August 2007
10:50pm - 11:30pm
It's been a strange week. Observers dig into their resources for the long haul trek. Pilgrims knuckle down to their continuing test of blind faith. The subterfuge is unrelenting. The media hype is now transmuting itself into a new form as the blend of alchemical compounds, symbols and subliminal traces take effect. We are asked to be bold, bold, but not to bold ... as our resolve is still tested by such obvious attempts at selling tabloids by gutter press means .... so what lies ahead then? More of the same? Or a resolution to this entwining fable? Or are we indeed now seeing the break from the covers as the wild geese season comes to an end? Has the Pied Piper been totally satisfied by his completely absorbing fanciful screen play ... or are we to be treated to another scene .... ???
'Insights for the coming week ...'
The Lovers - discrimination
5 of Cups - dissipation
Page of Cups - reduction
Devil - subjugation
Magician - encapsulation
Much speculation remains as outlined by the insights of these images. The crystal casting denotes a swing in direction of this 'trail'; a swing to the left ... perhaps the past has more questions surface regarding to the events of the past. Hematite denotes 'blood' and the obvious implications which reverberated around the situation with regard to the macabre. This seemingly has yet to go away. Yet with 5 of cups (dissipation) and Page of Cups (reduction) revealing themselves here ... these claims and accusations will gradually fade away. I note the change in accent and manner sensed on the coming part of the trail as a new focus takes control. It doesn't feel like it did. Its not the same.
The Lovers & the Devil together in the same insight. More intrigue from the media web as the piper plays his tune. More fear to be faced. More of the same as the McCanns have further fingers pointed regarding the recent 'they were responsible claims'. But I sense hidden support and activity behind the scenes will shun these slurs eventually. All it takes is some leaked proof and the next theme of this story will take hold and the trip through the 'caverns of Hades' will be forgotten ...
Insights show the impression of a locality beside a shore but I don't why; a sense of crabs scurrying across a sandy beach close to the shore. In the south of the country, certainly not the north or the east, but centrally south. A compass point ... one of three. An old woman banging her drum in East not linked to the other two. The other ... in a totally different locality. But is this the media circus expecting the observer to jump through hoops once more? Official channels or the same needle in the groove. The same rut as seemingly it remains the same as it was a week before.
More questions with so few answers provided (as per usual). Those eyes again. Stalking every word. Watching every move. A sense that the next storyline has already been prepared, just the need now for the right occasion to let it loose. Intuition links back to the night of the 3rd May and must ask if it was really like it was stated? Has something been changed or hidden to protect the vital link in the trail. Something suspicious here about the apartment room. May not be anything ... its just the sense I feel. There is something significant about events which unfolded elsewhere to the room why so much emphasis on the events around the apartment to perhaps conceal what was unfolded earlier elsewhere. The clue to Maddy's continuing survival links to falsehoods relating to that night.
I await this week with bated breath. It appears to be quiet. Perhaps a time to muse and contemplate. But something stirs. Its hard to tell just what it is. A sense of older generation ... a married couple and a widow ... but why does the widow watch so attentively with her head in her hands to one side? What comes out of the woodwork this time? Every pitch and every turn, every anticipated direction there seems to be an answer. When will something truly monumental be uncovered ... something to really catch the true 'captives' out?