In the year of 1581 through the extraordinary efforts of Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelly, the secrets that were lost with the patriarch of the Bible known as Enoch were returned to those who thirst for the knowledge of Light. Dee kept close records of their intensive work. Although some of Dee's work has been lost, much of it is to be found in Sloane Documents 3188,3189, 3191, 3677, and 3679. These documents are to be found at the British Museum in London.
One of the most important breakthroughs in the rediscovery of these lost secrets was an entirely new language. This language contained its own grammar and syntax. It is an Angelic language often referred to as "Enochian." Dee and Kelly used great care and effort when receiving the lost knowledge of Enoch. The dictating Angel was the Great Angel Ave. Many hours were spent bringing forth the information by Dee and Kelly. Often times sessions would last 8 to 10 hours a day. Some of the material was actually dictated backwards by the Angel so as not to invoke dangerous forces of power.
The beginnings of Enochian Magic were coming into place, but the information was just information. It was not a system of any usable value. Thus, for the most part, it remained dormant, undefined and unusable. Then, over 200 years later, this body of raw knowledge that Dee & Kelly painstakingly uncovered was given form and life by the genius of S.L. MacGregor Mathers. Enochian Magic was born! Under the tutelage of Mathers, the Second (Inner) Order of the Golden Dawn began working the most powerful system of magic the world has or would ever see.
Years later in Chicago, a disgruntled Paul Foster Case (after being expelled from the order by Moina Mathers) ,would lead a quiet crusade to convince fellow students that Enochian Magic was "volatile and dangerous." Case would even go so far as to have it sliced and diced out of all Inner Order Teachings of a group he founded called the Builders of the Adytum. Others would follow in Case's footsteps, claiming Enochian was too dangerous.
When used with caution and in accordance with Second Order Teachings, it is reputed that Enochian Magic is not only safe, but it is utterly effective in the physical world, and illuminating in the area of Spiritual development!