It is the first time the McCanns, both doctors, have allowed the strain to show so publicly.The dramatic clash happened when the McCanns gave an interview to Telecinco, one of the main commercial TV channels in Spain.
The station sent its presenter Jordi Gonzalez to Praia da Luz who spent an hour with the couple in their rented villa. After some general questions, he asks bluntly: "You were the last people to see Madeleine alive, is that correct?"
Mr McCann replies: "That's part of the investigation and we are not going to dilvulge anything that might get in the way of the investigation."
Mr Gonzalez then turns to the matter of blood traces that were found by sniffer dogs in the McCanns' holiday apartment, which are currently being DNA tested by scientists in Britain. It is not known whose blood the samples belong to.
He asks: "The investgation took a new turn earlier this month when traces of blood were discovered in the room. When you heard that, how did you react?"
Mr McCann shakes his head and takes off his lapel microphone, which is attached to his shirt. Glaring at Mr Gonzalez, he snaps: "Do you know what? This is all investigation. You have to talk to the police." Then he stands up and walks off camera, before immediately returning, throwing his arms in the air and complaining: "All your questions are about the investigation and we cannot comment on the investigation." Picking up a bottle of water, he then marches off the set and goes outside.
Kate, 39, is visibly upset and stares down at his chair, then fixes her departing husband with an unhappy look. But she remains seated herself and apologises for the walk-out, telling the interviewer: "He is upset, give him a minute, he is going to get some air."
The McCanns' spokeswoman, Justine McGuiness, said: "It was a long interview in a very hot room. Gerry was asked a series of questions about the investigation despite the fact that all the journalists had been told that the McCanns cannot answer questions about the investigation." She also insisted that the couple's relationship was rock solid despite speculation that the pressure of their daughter's disappearance was beginning to prove too much.
Mr McCann attended church without his wife on Sunday, while she went to an English service the night before, when he was on his way back from Edinburgh. Miss McGuinness said: "They are a very happy, loving family. Once a month, there is an evening mass held in English which Kate likes to go to. Gerry was not back in time so he went on Sunday morning. I don't think anybody can reproach Kate for wanting to go to mass in her own native language."
Daily Merlin 'Gerry, Kate & Maddy' (Sunday 12th August 2007); says; ' Destiny appears to have been turned upside down now or the other way for Gerry. All is no longer plain sailing for Gerry at this time? To remain in balance and avoid falling into the deep water ... it appears the figure in this image requires the support of both sides of the situation. Caught in the cleft stick or between the rock and the hard place describes this image perfectly.
To the left of the female persona is the butterfly ... is Kate about to travel on a journey of her own? The direction of the journey appears to lead Kate to somewhere of the 'dinosaurs' or the ancient forces.