Servants of the Light Tarot

Keeper of Crescents
User of Weapons (reversed)
The Maker of Crescent symbolises that 'someone somewhere' who is at the helm of the media campaign which sails across the ocean of human emotion. That secretive, influential man who has chosen to keep the public on their toes and at their wits end with all the media macabre. Another of the 'lookalikes' from on file this appears. The Keeper of Staves shows the waiting game being played whilst the DNA samples are compared with those on file. It is the time of playing doubleback. Seemingly this sighting is unfounded; I intuit it wasn't Madeleine McCann ... perhaps indicated by the reversal of The User of Weapons; the lack of acknowledgement by Gerry McCann? The 'gemini twins' in the image of the Keeper of Spheres denotes the duality of reactions which the pied piper is slowly creating in the minds of the truly confused general public ... one reaction is that of 'she was murdered' and the other 'Maddy is still alive' ... that duality appears to hinge on the results of the fabled DNA samples. This is what has been deliberately intended all along. Biding time and working like busy bees in the background. Modes of intelligence working to twist and sway events and connections to form this meeting of two. The two opposites ... when two forces combine in a controlled way a third force is almost always created .... something looms; that which has been intended all along.
In the meantime ... the Keeper of Staves will continue to ride his ship over the high seas of public emotion ... churning up the raw nerves because it suits whatever the cause is behind his deliberate deceptions ... the duality of the news stories is a deliberate manipulation it appears. Total macabre intentions to operantly condition the minds of the public ... Whatever all this pre-planned, well versed ... wll oiled manipulation conceals can be taken to be truly big. Madeleine's reemergence no doubt the final act of this gargantuan operation. But mark my words ... Madeleine's re-emergence will take place and it will right on cue with the instructions of the Maker of Crescents (the creator of illusions)