Daily Merlin Insight (Using Servants of the Light tarot)
Tuesday 30th August 2007
8:00pm - 8:25pm
'Using the Significator of The Empress to see any possible insights around the current situation' .
Interesting insights, uncannily similar to what was revealed for the User of Weapons in a previous transcript. Clearly the Emperor is seen by the side of the Empress. The Maker of Weapons ... and its reminder of the court of the weapons ... the sword of conflict being created on 'the anvil' by the maker. There is the opposition of the two sides represented by the 2 of Weapons too. That force which opposes the 'teamwork' of the Empress & the Emperor ... that forces which currently prevents the wish fulfillment & accomplishment offered by the 10 of Crescents. There ... in plain view the 4 of Crescents ... the 'dishevelled woman' ... the bearer of the replica crescent. She who it appears is linked to the custodian of the Shining Star ... a mind filled with envy and malice towards the Empress & the Emperor. The same persona identified in the User of Crescents image to the left of the Maker of Weapons. Before the altar of the crescent ... requesting that prize for herself ... asking the Maker of Crescents ... but so obviously denied ...
A cycle of events behind the cloak ... behind the pact of silence. Somewhere within the group these circumstances are known. Someone knows of, or links with the 'dishevelled woman' and is very much aware of the cause ... and sees the effects. The normal peaceful surroundings of the Empress seemingly transformed to the volatile world of the Emperor. Her time of silent servitude appears to have been changed ... as the path between the red and the blue (that of Teth the serpent) provides the Empress with the strength she needs.
Events outlined within this transcript warrant further intuition, further muses ... for within these images are 'clues' to the enforced situation, as the 'dishevelled woman' appears to have wanted to covert that which wasn't hers ... and perhaps that rejection set off a chain of circumstances which encroached on the court life of The Emperor.