However, that was then and this is now. A breather in the precedings has taken place. A chance for the central characters to retreat into their bolthole. Into their hidden locality. Which itself presents a further mystery? Where is that location? Who owns that residence? Who else might reside their beside those we are conditioned into accepting reside there? Why is it kept from us ... and why is the 'flashing lamp and clicking button' brigade ... the paparazzi not seen gathered outside that residence? It is indeed a mystery. Compounding the suspicions behind it all. Is this breather due to the innocent claims reported in the tabloids, or is it something more ominous? Something in accordance with the script ... their 'hand' played ...
But in truth this is a breather I am perhaps grateful for ... like all the other human muses who reside at the foot of the contrived structure of this mystery it's good to let life attain normality for a while.... if it indeed has. It gives me chance to survey the scene, so to speak. To compare the mystery with other events in and around this mundane realm. In this state of calm observance I am able to glance at the image at the top of this post. Looking at it as a mundane observer I see it is just a cleverly taken photograph beneath a seaside pier. But ... applying a magician's eye, attaining a constant glimpse at the world through a lens of symbolism ... I see something quite striking. That random search for 'treading water' led me to this muse, to this observation ... thanks to universal synchronicity ... it permits me to apply mysticism again.
Then .... the realisation surfaces ... the structure of the mystery ... the situation which has captured our attention and has shaped our lives so completely ... it stands there before me and ... like a seaside pier it exists. Indeed the picture above is the perfect representation perhaps of the mystery.
Gently I collect my energies in my energy centre. My solar plexus brims to the full with power and potential. Once more I stand at the base of the middle pillar ... in readiness for another flight on high to the mountainside. Another assault on the pure air above that mystery. I comprehend perhaps what lies above us 'mere mortals'.
We ...the human 'free radicals ... are led by the hand beneath the structure of the pier. We gaze to the most distant point and await the exit to this trail. Out of this labyrinth. We all live and breathe within our mundane encounters with this trail firmly entrenched in our cognitive processes. But know our mundane lives are not the same anymore. We have become the muses within a structure of mindset reconditioning. Our reactions and our existence is vital to those who have built this wooden structure. Know we cannot return to normality until we are permitted the solution to this mystery. Until the exit door arrives. This is has been constructed intentionally. It is a contrived situation. We walk like travellers beneath the wooden pier. Where the pier is the pyramidal structure which exists above our mundane standing in this society. We witness the pillars and the posts and question not that structure.
We are told it is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Like sheep we are conditioned as a mind set to focus on the trail ahead and ignore the gaps between the vertical posts. In our minds we sense something is untoward but like the crowd in the street who attend the gathering before the emperor ... we indeed see he wears new clothes when in truth there are no clothes.
The naked truth is there before us ... freewill under normal circumstances would wander the gaps between the pillars and realise there is definite deception around us at this time. But those clever deceivers above us who built this pier in the first place ... have created a scenario where we are self governing ... the sheep mind set prevent the individuals from questioning the holes .... those that do are 'shot down in flames' for suggesting anything outside the now established theology of 'she was murdered' ... those who disagree are being outweighed by the gathering sheep who follow the lead and permit the conditioned mindset to take over their cognitive reasoning.
I for one ... have explored those gaps. I see the pier structure and realise it remains in place only because the travellers beneath its structure accept that hologram is real ... when in truth if subliminal techniques and conditioned media speculation hadn't been employed by those in the world above the mundane beach ... we would have discovered the truth behind the mystery and dismissed the charade.
But no ... in this time of retreat ... the mind set will generate more and more doubt within the consciousness of the 'beachcombers' ... those gaps which lie ahead will not be noticed by those travellers ... their minds will be fixed firmly on the horizon ahead. Mesmerised by the structure above and around them there. None will notice the gap which appears above their heads. None noticed the significant red for danger sign ... none took the opportunity to glance above and see into the structure above their heads ... those behind it all ... those responsible for the mystery. Those who pre-planned this charade ...
Perhaps, it is already too late as the pier structure begins to resemble the trojan horse? As the doors open ... and no exit to this ominous sojourn appears. Questions remain asked by the observers because that option for normal freewill has been denied by deliberate conditioning. Those gaps between the pillars remain ... I see them ... but to the mundane ... to the sheep ... the walls on either side of their minds are now solid. They see only now what the pier builders wish them to see.
Retreating from the world the main characters are able to undertake that which was agreed. They've played their parts perfectly it appears. The illusion is perfect ... the naked truth hidden from the majority now as that which was decided as the next stepping stone comes into manifestation ...
I breathe deeply now ... glad of the synchronicity ... grateful for the above image to manifest in the search .... I breathe carefully ... disciplined I accept the golden silence in my mind. Though the full moon wreaks havoc in my mind ... with my emotions ...I see before me now the middle pillar ... the path of the arrow appears in my awareness ... the hawk holds the arrow in its talons as it hovers before my eyes.
Time comes soon for the soaring flight back to the top of the mountain. To gain that vantage point once more. Higher awareness stands there waiting. It surely comes to pass to review what will be said in the weeks that come.