Daily Merlin Insight
Servants of the Light Tarot
11:11pm - 11:35pm
Mon 13th August 2007
'Current insights relating to the circumstances around The Shining Star'
'There are grandparents around her protecting her ... grandparents who have passed who reside now on the etheric. All manner of things surround her but they prevent the potential of any harm from befalling her. There is anger directed, not at her but at those who she is representative of ... but know this goes beyond just the nucleus of immediate family. This goes beyond that .... into something much more sinister namely that of the profession of both her parents. It directs at the very threat her parents could (but don't or won't) represent. Those that seized the initiative have all manner of vices and resources at their disposal. The fate of one little girl is such a minor thing to them, but what is of major concern is the way the public have reacted in the manner that they have. For them it has proven such a godsend to their agenda hence their 11th hour change of plans and the pulling of such impressive strings to bring so much chaos into the caring minds. It is most surely the smokescreen they could not have dreamed. '
'Know the little girl's life shall not be expended certainly not on the physical. At worst it may be seen as a 'symbolic' theme. All manner of deaths may have been imagined by those worried minds but know it has not had any effect on the etheric nor will it ever be so. It acts only be reinforced by those who grasped the situation to perhaps further perpetuate the mesmerising of those minds into thinking it is a reality ... when in truth the disappearance has gone past the potentially planned number of days and it still goes on ... but for how much longer can these callous hands keep this continuing especially when ones amid the assumed control have called for it all to now be over and the little girl returned by way of the miracle ...'
14 Temperance
15 The Devil
9 of Staves
5 of Weapons
Clearly there is only one thing to fear and that is fear itself. In truth there is really nothing to fear ... it is clear from the imagery surrounding Maddy ... the Angel Raphael within the image of Temperance is looking down on her and keeping her safe from any harm. To the world including her parents they are facing their own personal Devil ... the very fear of what would it be like for actual harm to have befallen their child after being missing for over 100 days. So many are tethered to that awful fear. For Kate & Gerry her permanent disappearance will NOT be a worst fear realised. The 9 of Staves indicates the obstacle seemingly unsurmountable ... but it also indicates Maddy's disappearance relates to some ancient scripture alive in the mind's of those who have planned her disappearance. Know in those same minds she will return because she is something which is meant to be revered not sacrificed in anyway. the 5 of Weapons is purpose strong and the ability to remain strong and deflect the effects of the negation of fear and its growing paralysis. Within all of the 'energies' which surround The Shining Star ... know it has always been intended for Madeleine to be returned safe and well.
She apparently resides close by to some 'ancestral estate' ... one of the entries onto the estate has been permitted to become overgrown. There are grey or white stone pillars. Once the entry would have housed a gate. Atop the pillars are white or grey stone 'spheres' ... atop the hill within this estate is an ancient monument perhaps a temple or chapel. It is separate and some distance away from the home. However ... those who hold Maddy will not permit anyone to enter this estate and find Maddy residing there. The plan has always been to conceal then move her to where she is to be found ... people of great power own this estate, it is not one person but a consortium. Their links to Maddy will never be officially known. Though behind the scenes that fact is well known.
**Update 8:45am 14th Aug 2007**
It should read 'great' grandparents ...