Daily Merlin Insight
10:50pm - 11:40pm
22nd August 2007
'How relevant is the symbolism of the Giver of Weapons?'
10 of Spheres
3 of Spheres
8 of Spheres
Interesting collection of insights here. An overwhelming influence of 'spheres. 10 of Spheres relates the Giver of Weapons to being part of 'the establishment'; 3 of Spheres the 'lord of the material works'; 8 of spheres quite simply is the 'bank account' card ... savings carefully hoarded and put aside for a rainy day. Indicates a legacy or a gift. Judgement is that of rejuvenation and renewal plus accomplishment at the end of the day.
The Three of Spheres is a most familiar card; appearing in a number of previous transcripts. Relating to the 'public image' put before the camera lens. The Jester portrayed ... that haplessly blundered image. Seemingly poorly planned and foolish this part of the entire 'scheme' but it is just as necessary as all the other compartments. This is the campaign and all the meticulous planning.
Judgement represents the 'awaited word' from someone of quite high status. That certain someone somewhere who creates the rules and can ignore all the binding laws. Someone who effectively writes the laws and feels above those laws. Three figures seen in the foreground standing symbolically within their compartments or their units. All connected and all ready and waiting to accomplish their goals. The 'plan' is a very elaborate format. Seemingly many disconnected units are working unbeknown and independent of each other. Wrong! They are all one big conglomerate. All working towards the same goal. In one compartment is seen the happy little child ... the Shining Star ... it represents those in that certain compartment who look after Madeleine McCann. They await instruction to play their next moves ... hidden from view but still very much part of it all. There is a high degree of organisation behind it all. The central compartment described is symbolically concealed in the above image by 'blinding lights of confusion' .. but I can assure you the child is there within that compartment ... there in plain view but concealed by 'the bright lights of flash photography' ... all is not what it seems that we are asked to see.
The central image of the Giver of Weapons depicts the white 'priest' holding the flaming sword before the kneeling Knight. This is at the very core of it all. We see the stag ... though not the 'white hart' ... it is still symbolic and hereditary none the less. It seems for the kneeling knight the granted possession of the flaming sword was indeed an honour. It was a central compartment and key ceremony behind it all.
Know somewhere in the symbolic sky behind the Jester in the 3 of Spheres resides the Shining Star ... the missing child we all now come to care for so much. Sometime soon ... the red curtain will be permitted to open wider behind the jester ... maybe then we will see the Shining Star standing there in full view.
The crystal casting discusses the entire situation .... in vibrations .. in pattern ... in groups within similar compass design as in a previous casting. Except here it is not as clearly defined. In symbolic north are purple agate and a crystal of the mix yellow/green; in the east the symbolic stone of 'an eye'; in the south are Malachite (green & alchemical copper); in the west is orange calcite. Counterbalancing the symbolic eye are a total of 5 stones. Clearly many vibrations oppose that eastward force? Forces which lie in the west DO NOT indicate an end of a cycle or death ... in this compass the west is representative of the elements of water ... and the east that of the element of air ... AIR is life .... and water is LOVE .... therefore there are 5 separate vibrations of love which oppose the eye. Perhaps oppose the communication relating to the eye (as air is communication) ... Air is spring and birth (the birth then of the eye) and water is Autumn and maturity ... also relating to Air is the sword (the flaming sword? The very sword which is depicted in the Giver of Weapons?) ... relating to love is cup and cauldrons; all giving and receiving containers. Powers of compassion, emotion and sustenance.