Search A Light In The Darkness

Tuesday 14 August 2007

Daily Merlin 'The Road Ahead"

Daily Merlin Insight
11:30pm - 11:55pm
14th August 2007
New Zealand

'The Road Ahead ...perhaps the final hurdle or the final bend before the final straight?'

4 of Weapons
7 of Staves
8 of Spheres
User of Staves

The User of Staves illustrates continued confrontations between the force of the white unicorn and the figures of black. It appears this suggests that the unicorn is behind the 'hand' being played by the British Media & law enforcement in its current skirmish against the figures of black ... maybe thus the Portuguese press? The 7 of Staves is then the resultant confusion of 'tree branches' that conceal the pathway ahead? In the image a new branch is in bloom suggesting a new direction for this to perhaps follow. The shape of the 'tree branch concealment' provided in the imagery is that of the Union Jack. Perhaps there will be more of the UK Suspect theory or investigations undertaken in the UK Mainland? The image depicts clear blue skies on the horizon once this current confusion can be ridden through. The 8 of Spheres indicates a 'basket of eggs' in these blue skies. One of two things ... a 'news storyline' relating to dairy products will hit the news ... or it indicates a fresh new storyline and a new line of enquiry. The 7 and the 8 appear to suggest something of note within 7 to 8 days (as hours is too soon and weeks is too long). The final image of the 4 of Weapons is those mesmerising hands depicting 'secret signs' linked to the symbol of the sun (The Sol paper perhaps?) and more deceit pushed under the carpet ... that which is 'on the table' are the instruments of some well orchestrated 'operation'. Ceremonial swords somewhere within this campaign. Table turning with regard to the 'maiden of the flaming red or orange hair?' Perchance the campaign gets this far ... this persona must be seen to appear or reappear with some more heartening news relating to events of the night of the disappearance.

Someone of 'wit' and of significance born on 27/8 ..(section withheld).... who linked with one of the old dears (now making them three in number) made contact tonight. Making light of the situation. ......(section withheld)...................can say with certainty she is not on that side of things. She remains still on the material plane with people who live by the influential understanding of symbols. Aware that plans are drawn as to what date the next sighting will be ............. More than ever be aware more than one force is at work creating this deception. Gone now is caution to the wind. ............(........(section withheld) ...confirms Maddy is still very much alive; she deals with children who come over as she lived her life around the welfare of children ... Maddy has NOT been seen as having come over ..(section withheld).... would know if she has and Maddy has NOT.