A picture appears to be forming in current times. But. Is it the real picture we see unfolding before our eyes, which is read by our minds? Is it the truth? Or is it the perception read by our minds that someone somewhere (i.e The Pied Piper) wants us to have? See the picture ... let your mind see it for itself. What is it you REALLY see? Do not let the tabloids dictate what you ARE to see. Don't let someone somewhere control your freewill and tell you what it is you are seeing. Make this natural choice for yourself ......EmergenceEmergence is demonstrated by the perception of the
Dog Picture, which depicts a dalmatian dog sniffing the ground in the shade of overhanging trees. The dog is not recognized by first identifying its parts (feet, ears, nose, tail, etc.), and then inferring the dog from those component parts. Instead, the dog is perceived as a whole, all at once. However, this is a
description of what happens in vision and not an explanation. Gestalt theory does not explain how the percept of a dog emerges.