What a thing for UK folk to be reading over their breakfast table! What a way for the wavering attention to be dragged back to the situation. What a way for the general public to be forced to feel sympathy and concern and further despair? It's times like these I hate the tabloids .... intuitively I received this 'insight' when my eyes read the startling headline above ... 'how dramatic! What a dastardly thing to say; what a twisted assumption to make. One way of selling their news for sure especially when there can't be the little girl's body there. She lives and breathes elsewhere.'
Doubtless so many people will still 'believe' everything they read. It is a startling and awful thing to read ... but it doesn't change a single thing. It is confusion though? Yes? Remember only yesterday there was the headline 'we DID see Madeleine' .... someone claimed to have seen Madeleine alive earlier in the week.
So what is it they 'hope' to find .... Madeleine isn't buried there. What cunning trick does 'the trickster' --- the 'master illusionist' --- wish to make appear before our eyes THIS time.
This headline certainly doesn't make me question my insights. Even if a 'body' was to be found ... it won't be that of Madeleine McCann. I am prepared to stick out my neck on this; put it on the block .... this headline doesn't feel at all right ....
3:15pm - 3:25pm
Sunday 5th August 2007
New Zealand
'Is Madeleine McCann alive at this current time and in the future?'
(0)The Fool
(4) The Emperor
10 of Weapons (reversed)
In the image of the Fool ... the traveller's companion already through the threshold from the unknown, stands with its back to the observer looking towards the doorway and its threshold into the unknown ... there it watches the Fool (the traveller in the situation) emerging into the known landscape from out of the unknown. The symbols of the moon & the star can be seen behind the traveller, to its right. The Traveller carries a long stick which bears a pouch of scant belongings on it ... with the symbol of the open eye as a motif. IN its right hand it carries the white rose; symbol of trust.
The Emperor image lies to the right of the image of The Fool. In the reality of the Fool, the Emperor stands over its left hand shoulder. The eyes of the emperor appear to be watching for the emergence of the Fool. The landscape of the Emperor is completely different to the sun kissed shores of the Fool. The emperor perhaps now fears for the stability of its own environment
The 10 of Weapons was upturned last ... in a separate pile ... it lies reversed on the table before me ... denoting that Maddy is indeed safe and well ....
My intuition concludes that Maddy is indeed the symbolic Fool ... traveller of the mystic tree ... and her re-emergence into the 'known' world has been predicted in these three very important cards.
'Indicate factors around month of October 2007 concerning Maddy & the McCanns; and anything else of importance '
6 of Spheres
Prime of Spheres
10 of Staves (reversed)
10 of Staves indicates the release from the constricting circumstances which had held them back earlier in the year. 6 of Spheres is my 'OAP Inheritance card' ... indicating Maddy to be indeed alive and well. Prime of Spheres indicates the new life ahead of them. The spotlight to shine on four individuals or four directions ... a busy bee in each of the pathways heads towards a persona depicted on the image. From out of this 'swirling' maelstrom of energy comes this new life ...