A Belgian police spokeswoman said DNA test results on a drinks bottle used by the young girl seen in Tongeren were expected to be returned this morning. On Saturday, it will be 100 days since Madeleine went missing on May 3.
Queen of Birds
4 of Birds (truce) reversed
Ace of Fishes (reversed)
Two familiar Merlin Tarot images here. Ace of Fishes reversed .... the image of the salmon leaping from the stream and the chalice ... it is clearly appearing to say it is not linked here. In earlier transcripts the salmon has been described travelling the stream crossed by the Chariot ... the salmon in one direction and the charioteer in the other. With the reversal of this image, it provides the insight that, perhaps, this chalice (symbol of DNA) is not relevant to the situation at all (i.e the DNA does not belong to Maddy)???
I'm hesitant ... as the Queen of Birds has been linked with Kate McCann in recent times .... the reversed Ace of Fishes and its salmon linking somehow then to the Queen of Birds??? Between them though is an obstacle in the form of the reversal of the card of 'truce' ... the imagery is that of four birds ... two groups of two in conflict ... two groups of two in conflict on a reversal of a truce?
Strange undertones here. The images were turned quickly. But the insights implied need some time to digress. It does appear however that the DNA is not that of Madeleine McCann ... yet .... why then would this information have caused an obstacle --- deemed to be caused by two pairs of two people in conflict --- that is 'the reversal of a truce'?But what has really been said to the McCanns? Will it be the same information as we, the public, are to be told? I've made sense of the spin of recent revelations ... so much so I question everything linked to cognitive perceptions.