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Saturday 17 November 2018

Dangerous Teachings ...

There is something that has been observed on social media, in recent weeks, that warrants a Gripe Of The Day. Indeed, it represents an issue that has been an ongoing concern for several years.

Basic Tarot readers who offer training courses to total novices, which are claimed to be the starting point for glitzy careers in tarot reading, psychic mediumship and spiritual teaching.

The suggestion that just a several training courses will propel a totally inexperienced acrolyte into a successful career is totally balmy? How can this be taken seriously?

Sadly, people fall for it. They go on these debatable training courses, then spend some money on clever advertising, and become newly launched 'Psychic Mediums'. Ridiculous.

The flaws and the pitfalls are endless. Tarot teachings on card meanings and spreads can only go so far towards an understanding of people; their life issues; the techniques needed to deal with difficult, and often suicidal people; etc etc etc. Quite often, these 'Tarot Teachers' are barely more than average 'readers' themselves. So their students will, more often than not, become clones of their teachers. Often with the same flaws, the same outlooks and the same grasp on tarot and its interpretation.

In order to successfully use tarot as a means of understanding the people before you, and to integrate the tarot imagery into comprehending the past, the present, and the future around that person, you have to first learn how to unlock the tarot's secrets; enabling you to open the door to your intuition and the metaphysical blueprint reality that lies behind this reality. The tarot can permit you to read that which is yet to happen ... but only after many years of working with the symbols. This cannot be attained in a few tarot teachings.

This whole concept is a very dangerous one. There are novice tarot readers going out in the public, really believing they have made the cut, and are experienced enough to deal with the life situations that they will come across when they subject themselves to the public. What a potential for disaster this is ...