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Monday, 12 November 2018

Exploring Anger

Anger is a natural, though sometimes unwanted or irrational, emotion that everybody experiences from time to time.

Anger experts describe the emotion as a primary, natural emotion which has evolved as a way of surviving and protecting yourself from what is considered a wrong-doing.

Anger, however, is not just a state-of-mind. Anger can trigger physical changes including an increased heart rate, blood pressure and levels of hormones such as adrenaline preparing us physically for ‘fight or flight’. Due to these physical effects long-term anger can be detrimental to health and wellbeing.

When we are angry, our bodies release the hormones adrenaline and cortisol, the same hormones released when we encounter stress.

As a result of these releases in hormones our blood pressure, pulse, body temperature and breathing rate may increase, sometimes to potentially dangerous levels. This natural chemical reaction is designed to give us an instant boost of energy and power and is often referred to as the 'fight or flight' reaction. This means that the body and mind prepare for a fight or for running away from danger.

However, people who get angry often cannot manage their anger effectively and can become ill, just as stress that is left unresolved may make you ill. Our bodies are not designed to withstand high levels of adrenaline and cortisol over long periods or on a very regular basis.
(Refer: The Skills You Need)

We all feel anger from time to time. It is a part of life. Situations and people bring out anger; quite often we feel guilty or regretful of that anger; perhaps because a person makes us feel that way. But anger is designed to be a release mechanism. It is not designed to be suppressed. It is a survival instinct that is designed to give us an instant boost of energy and power and is often referred to as the 'fight or flight' reaction.

Energy and power are both a necessity in successful magical workings. The fact that black hexes are often more effective than the opposite 'white hexes' is that the feeling of hatred for an individual can trigger anger ... hence providing in that instance the energy and the power to send forth the black hex. The more anger, the more the power that is put into the hex. Sad, but true.  The most effective magical workings are when you can feel extreme anger, then use the power & the energy that is released to undertake the working. It is a skillful and highly experienced magician who can raise anger then harness the energy for workings that are used for 'the good' or for beneficial purposes.

We digress, when in truth we wanted to touch base with feeling angry (Especially after the internet experience we've had this evening) ... and attempt to contain that energy/power instead of unleashing it in a stream of verbal abuse aimed at no-one in particular, but is loud no the less; and very annoying for those are hearing it! Now that we've pointed the power to creative pursuits, now that the internet loads better, the energy dissipates.

It's an interesting observation that there is almost an intelligence behind the laptop; an intelligence that knows how to draw the anger to the surface ... in a repetitive way! Slow the internet to a halt and disrupt the page loading and you'll get the human angry. The energy is then felt through the keyboard by whatever intelligence is behind the occurrence. Far fetched conspiracy right? Maybe, maybe not. Because now we're cool, calm and collected, the internet is fine again. It follows the same pattern and has been doing this cycle for the last decade or so. Maybe it is just coincidence. But then again ....  

We cannot deny anger, and anyone who says they've never been angry at some time in their life, are either very lucky or telling little porkys'! Anger comes with being human and is an reaction mechanism, perhaps linked to certain sound frequencies that we can't hear, but are absorbed by our sub-conscious prior to the triggering. We all with recognise the trigger points prior to the anger rising to the surface. Every time it happens, how many of us feel stupid for letting the anger escalate when a voice in our minds is telling us to walk away from the person or the situation. Perhaps next time we will listen to that voice when the triggers are happening again? Its all about recognising the triggers and being aware that we are about to feel angry .... then we can perhaps suppress the chemical release to avoid another episode?