Extract from our very first post from 12 years ago:
Entering The Unknown
You know when you've seen an alien! It is not imagination. Just fact. An experience which stays with you for life. You then laugh at the sceptics and the disbelievers out there who try to rationalise and point the accusing finger.
They've not had the experience. So they are not able to criticise. They can only explain it in terms of their own reality. No two individual's realities are the same. We may all see the same collective 'world' but we all exist on different and unique realities ... what is reality for one is not automatically a reality for another.
We all dream the hologram known as Planet Earth.
saw my first alien - well five in truth - nearly 15 years ago. I was
NOT on drugs. I am NOT prone to hallucination. I AM open minded. I have
been born with natural awareness - call it clairvoyance, mediumship or
whatever other pigeon hole you wish to put it in - and I have always
'seen' and 'heard' ... so it was no problem for me.
I'd woken
from sleep that morning. I was not dreaming. I turned to look into my
room and there they were. Appearing slowly. Like someone was actually
spray painting the very air in the room. Slowly coming into this
awareness, this frequency ... they stood watching me. Around four feet
in height. Wearing Egyptian like headresses and bodices,with some
spinning like appenditure in their midrift. Their bodices were brightly
I can still see them now all these years later.
merely gazed at them and then turned over to go back to sleep! With
hindsight I should have watched them materialise fully and then attempt
to communicate with them....read more>>>...