Search A Light In The Darkness

Thursday 15 November 2018

Today's Encounters

So here ends another 'day cycle' here on Virtual Earth. It's that commercial time close to the end of another 'year cycle' with all the TV adverts subliminally aimed at make you part with your 'money energy' so you'll 'buy' presents for people to supposedly celebrate the birth of a fictional historic character; who is in truth the personification of the sun in the sky.

Today was the usual, with very little, or no, paranormal events to really contemplate. Nothing out of the ordinary really, with the often experienced taps on the shoulder, or sensations of finger nails in the back.

This is a standard occurrence. Interestingly, even after this taking place hundreds of times over the years; and clearly not nerve endings twitching; we've not been able to determine who, or what, it is that is responsible for the phenomenon.

On another note, traffic ground to a dead stop on the southbound carriageway of the M6 motorway; the view of the rising sun was spectacular this morning. Around the same time, two small brightly shining 'orbs' were spotted in the early morning sky. They were seen to be stationary ... one disappearing inexplicably before the appearance of the next one in a different location in the sky. Again, the second one was seen to suddenly disappear. They clearly were not stars or planes. They were small bright lights in the morning sky, that didn't do much, but suddenly not be there.

Over the last few days several reports of UFO's have been coming out of Ireland. We've not got much about these particular sightings, but its interesting that these two tiny bright lights were sighted several hundreds of miles south-west of where these sightings were above the M6 in England. Probably nothing more than coincidence, though would be interesting to find out an explanation for what was seen this morning.

The day cycle was rounded off earlier by watching a TV program 'Britain's Scariest Haunted Place' and the feature tonight was Bodmin Prison. There was some very interesting footage including bright moving orbs; full bodied apparitions walking through a prison corridor; and, a gate closing on its own accord with no wind assistance. A very thought provoking program in truth. However, the explanation about ghosts and activity left a little to be desired! Our views on ghosts and what they are could be a topic for later postings so watch this space.

The Irish UFO story reads: On the morning of 9 November the pilot of British Airways flight BA94 from Montreal called air traffic control in Shannon to report seeing an object moving past her aircraft, and asked if there were any military exercises taking place off the west coast of Ireland. “It was moving so fast,” she said. “It came up on our left-hand side and then rapidly veered to the north. It was a very bright light that disappeared at very high speed.” Other aircraft flying in the area reported the same thing. A pilot, flying a Virgin Airlines plane from Orlando to Manchester described the sight as a “meteor or another object making some kind of re-entry”, adding it seemed to be “multiple objects following the same sort of trajectory – very bright from where we were.” (Full Story - The Guardian)

The interesting point raised in this report is the fact they were bright lights in the sky. Okay so our sighting weren't moving at high speed but they were there to be seen.