In5D: Do you believe the sky is blue? Do you believe that humans are
naturally violent and abusive? Do you think that without laws and
government that the world would go berserk?
All of these ideas are beliefs: beliefs are just concepts that we
have thought over and over again; like a path worn in our brains, we
never question them or where they lead. Many of our beliefs are not even
personal—they were inherited, passed down from generation to
They form a tapestry to life, a background structure that we
don’t realize doesn’t serve us or our evolution. And what is really
nefarious and subtle is that most of these same beliefs support a
structure that we have come to call the more>>>...
Welcome to "A Light In The Darkness" - a realm that explores the mysterious and the occult; the paranormal and the supernatural; the unexplained and the controversial; and, not forgetting, of course, the conspiracy theories; including Artificial Intelligence; Chemtrails and Geo-engineering; 5G and EMR Hazards; The Global Warming Debate; Trans-Humanism and Trans-Genderism; The Covid-19 and mRNA vaccine issues; The Ukraine Deception ... and a whole lot more.