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Booboo Sunday Express
..... quick, look at this booboo before it disappears .... a picture of Maddy linked to a Gordon Brown new's story. Why?Brown Leads Labour to a 10-Point lead headline:
Speculation over a possible snap election has reached new heights after Gordon Brown's "bounce" accelerated into a massive 10-point lead over the Tories. The first double-figure advantage for the new Prime Minister was the biggest in a YouGov poll since before the Iraq war and will pile fresh pressure on under-fire David Cameron. Developments such as the appointment of a new director of election resources have fuelled suggestions he could seek to exploit his popularity by going to the country early. Some commentators have suggested a poll could come as soon as October while others predict a spring election.There's no reference to Maddy in the news story. So why the photograph? Unless of course it is another subliminal message? Maybe, Gordon Brown is going to get Maddy back to have his popularity soar even higher? I may have to update this posting if and when the photo is changed. What is going on with the Express these days eh?
**Update 1:33am**
Darn it!!! The photo has been changed ... !!! One of the PM replaces the above one of Maddy. However, if you check out the comments to this story on the Express ... you will see others noted the 'boob' too ...