Daily Merlin Insight
Thursday 9th August 2007
12:05am - 12:35am
"OK, card now to try to make sense of it all. Maddy represents 'centre stage', alive and well, the main character in a very compelling stage play; so what is it we see before us unfolding?"
Using the Merlin Tarot ....
IV Fortune - depicts the traditional wheel of fortune as the defining boundary of relative energy/consciousness around the earth. It is popularly associated with 'fate' and relates to how the way the plot threads entwined around the plot of Maddy affect the perceptions of the observers. Every twist and every turn. Each turn of the wheel of fate creates a different reaction in the minds of the observer.
Apparently, the blessing of the holy one keeps her safe. The vision of this blessing is sensed as being of great significance. It is a symbol not to be taken lightly. One around where Maddy resides would take this symbol very seriously. Dedicated to the faith and in fear of the wrath of the hierarchy beneath the figurehead. On the say of her religion she would relinquish all claim to 'the throne' represented by the crown which she is deluded into thinking Maddy represents.
The four symbols within the wheel of fortune ... though meant to represent the four seasons by the card's creator .... are intuited of a different significance to my instincts:
The wolf ... the women is somewhere within the teaching profession;
The deer ... she is a mother herself so is not likely to ever harm Maddy McCann;
The Salmon ... what she sees as the potential in the genetics which Maddy has within her DNA; this woman has strong understanding & links to genetic engineering;
The rearing horse ... whatever the intended course first planned by the taking of Maddy has now run its course and those who are of the same order as her oppose her possession still of Maddy but she is of greater rank than they and so ignores their demands; she also has significant links with horses.
4 of Birds .... truce .... the right way up this time. Peace making between this woman, her partner and perhaps the McCanns. There is so much deduction already made with regard to this identity. The way I sense it is safe to publish I understand this information relates to dangers past. Of no current concern. Part of withheld information (I require verification therefore) ...
9 of Beasts ... attention ... reversed; caution is indeed not necessary with this information even if the High Priestess was indeed to still stalk these publications.
6 of Serpents ... balance ... relates to events yet to unfold to balance the extremes of emotions currently being experienced. Changes of tact by more subterfuge ... all faith in 'religious intelligence agencies' can be confirmed. Do you really think that intelligences agencies are not working behind the scenes? Intelligence knows the reputation of tabloid news and uses that reputation to hide the benevolent truth behind. Drawing attention away from themselves with all the necessary smokescreens ... when in military operation, emotional disattachment is of prime concern. The welfare of the general public is not of any concern. This intelligence operation calls on many covert agencies the likes of which the public has never seen. The trail of Maddy was rarely cold and was almost always warm. She was tracked for almost all of the way ... and now ... her exact location is actually known and known by the ones who truly need to know. Look to the tabloids without the need for any concern.....