Now, much later in the day. After another inspired visitor made itself known to me and tapped me on the base of the skull ... I realise nothing has changed at all. My inner core of knowing remains unscathed. The tabloid stories do not affect me now at all. I felt rage and anger and disbelieve all of this week. I was being reactive. Moving in too close. Being pulled in like it is intended by this mesmeric dance routine of the Pied Piper a.k.a the dancing fox .....
So, here I sit with heavy shoulders. Carefully considering each and every word ... as I have always done. Many, many years of counselling and healing has taught me to put consideration on my words and how what I say affects those who hear my voice. It is no different with the letters and words I write. An assurance I always make ... I will not write or say anything I have not first considered as receiving from someone myself. How would I react or feel if it was me reading what it is I have written or have said? I adopt the third party before ever I press 'publish' ... I will not write anything I have not given serious prior consideration.
My shoulders are heavy as I say ... but not with worry or sorrow or grief. They are heavy with building energy as this course reaches its crescendo. Much energy has been raised; been summoned ... is soon to be released. Clever mages have manipulated the general public who are truly concerned with this case. They have twisted and turned events to manufacture the perceptions they wish everyone to have ... using the minds and the consciousness of each and every one of us as an 'energy generator'. We are all bound together in one cause .... a myriad of thoughts and beliefs. A kaleidoscope of emotions and feelings .... all linked as one in essence all focussed on this cause. We have become a battery for these mages to use as they wish by publishing what they wish in the tabloid news ... knowing how we are going to react .... knowing which way to lead us all ....
Soon that energy they have raised and hold within us ... we feel the doom and the gloom weighing heavy in our stomachs .... 'butterflies in the stomach' .... emotional biochemical energy stored in the solar plexus ... energy working on our negative emotions first generating doubt through confusion. We all fear the worst (I don't fear the worst though, not now and not ever) ... so the energy is at its most negative ... but soon they intend to raise that energy and lift it with a shift in perceptions to give us hope ...
There intention is to harness that energy then release it in a magnificent way ... all that brimming light ... that wonderful white ... out simultaneously ...
This energy I feel on my shoulders; in my mind; across the bridge of my nose. I don't live in false hope. I don't delude myself or any others. I've thought long and hard on this situation. Spent hours and hours in contemplation and meditation. Had sleepless nights and visitations .... and psychic attacks. I've seen and heard so much ... extraordinary things. But not ONCE have I heard anything or anyone say.... or have I even sensed at all .... that Madeleine McCann is dead or that she won't be returned. I'm too accustomed now to this way of life ... to the way of the reluctant medium ... an entire lifetime spent exploring and understanding the occult. So, I know without a shadow of a doubt that Maddy is alive and will be returned. I can't say truly how I know in 'logical' terms with written 'proof'... but, if it was the other way and I'd heard just once anything contrary I would have written it here in this blog ... A Light in the Darkness represents the absolute truth of what I perceive. Madeleine is still very much alive and will be returned to Kate & Gerry .... I just feel this from the depths of my spirit.