Daily Merlin Insight
Thursday 2nd August 2007
11:15pm - 12.00am
New Zealand
Servants of the Light tarot
The only focus, is the continuing ominous wall of silence, tonight. Those within the tightly lipped group who know where Madeleine is and who has custodianship of her. It is in that direction that The Seeker gazes. This remote viewing 'experiment' is specifically designed to enable a perception of that wall of silence, and to gain an insight into the minds and the purpose of those who have deliberately & systematically created this situation. There is currently no media story on which to focus; therefore all that remains is to aim the seeker at that daunting barrier ...
Using therefore the High Priestess as the significator for that 'unknown' group, though I do in truth have strong perceptions what it is I am gazing towards. Using the significator I shall add now the given images around that mystery.... evoking rings of blue rays around me as 'protection' I begin ...
'Who and what are you? And why? What is your reason for the disappearance of the little girl?'
In the beginning there was the Maker of Spheres. Behind it, in the background are the two trees which indicate the maker's double life. Between the two stands a female figure watching the Maker juggle the four spheres. The Maker is robed, but his face is clearly visible; around him flit the bees of Melchisidek. His reality is an abstract world created as a means to step out from his double lives into his true persona. He keeps much of who and what he really thinks to himself. However, the female figure observes him in this abstract state ... of this he is not even aware. His true persona is linked to what is effectively in his blood, his training and his 'role'. What has been handed down and is expected of him over and above all other things. This is where his loyalty truly lies ... with his bloodline and not with the characters he meets in either of his double lives. The Maker is in truth a fanatic to a cause. The Spheres represents the ancestry, the history, his position in that line, and the future plans in which he maybe will play his part.
Moving into the present time, there is first the Ten of Spheres which represents intricately made and predetermined plans. Discussions relating to deep rooted ideas and intentions. Linked to the Maker of Spheres though not plans made exclusively by him. The planted spheres link to plans and intentions of a group or a group of associates. Some will be gleaned as friends and others as 'foes' because in their own double lives ... they will be placed in groups or associations which seemingly oppose each other. When in truth in their true abstract lives they are all on the same side. Here is a group made of opposites, all with far reaching influences. Theirs is a network which can undertake these deep rooted plans. But, few know the maker's abstract life has been observed by one who is not as them. This 'secret' is the flaw which opened this Maker (for he is not just one for all in this group are also maker's of spheres) to ridicule and worse, blackmail. It is known he has perhaps overstepped the mark and it is thus necessary for him to be compromised, perhaps.
Secondly, the Keeper of Staves, a hand to be used to bring apparent peace to a troubling situation ... watched then by the mythological beast ... the Maker of Staves becomes the Keeper ... and follows 'the hand' provided to the letter. This is why the deception and the subterfuge must be devised ... for the maker's child is the focus and the drive but not the true cause of the situation. The Maker has been chosen to adopt the role of the Keeper of Staves to ensure he 'toes the line' ...
Finally ... the Wheel of Fortune appears to turn favourably in the future here. The world's attention is now on this lighted stage. The scene is set ... and the four quarters wait for something. It is curious how important this situation has become. It gained a speedy progression and now seems to teeter on some invisible fulcrum. Those behind the curtain wait for something significant to occur. For word or sign ... something of significance. If it arrives, the meek and the ignorant will not realise or recognise the significant event.
The sense this charade must continue then suddenly be over on the click of a finger is strong here. But once it does ... the theatrical drama and the twisting trail of plots & tension will be lost. Never to be regained again by the purveyors of the true campaign. Therefore those behind the curtain, akin to patience, will drag it out for as long as they deem it necessary. However, nowhere in their plans have they catered for the unforeseen or the 'not possible' ... surely the new's hounds wild geese must break the cover again ... after the latest eye of silence another round of confusion must begin again.
Through the 8th month the situation seems sure to travel. But ... something looms in the middle of the path which the chariot is seen to travel. Something none of those behind the situation could ever have foreseen. The net closes in it seems in unorthodox fashion ... thus the finale comes sooner than planned or was expected?
Insights reveal not to trust anything or anyone linked to the reporting of the situation. It is truly not what it seems. There are overwhelming feelings of a 'political cause' ... feelings also of Maddy being lost 'within known parameters' ... the McCanns knowing much more than anything reported lets on. Their group of friends truly sworn to silence ... for good reason ... to protect Maddy and ensure Gerry McCann can achieve the 'hand' assigned to him because it is his side of the bargain. Any hindrance would be detrimental to the safe release of Maddy McCann. Those who held her wished that her face and her eye was known by the entire world ... a statement which they wish to be known far and wide. Their intention is for her reemergence ... so when the secret breaks cover ... its effects are diluted by the 'miracle' of her safe return .... the drama of the predator tension and fears all added to the effects of the entire situation. I say let it run its course .. those who need to know are aware Maddy is safe and it is all a matter of time before her return ... though I sense that event has already taken place and Gerry must continue the 'hand' until it all reaches its intended conclusion.
**The 'encrypted' nature of this portend is deliberate at this point in time. It is necessary and quite intentional. It is intended as subterfuge & clouds to conceal what it is the seeker sees. In time these insights may well be explained in simple terms which any eyes can understand. As they are in this current state, they are intended only for specific minds to read. Apologies therefore for any confusion this portend may create**