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Thursday, 2 August 2007
Dichotometric Separation
'The ancient teachings of Atlantis talk about a time when we were all spiritual or 'angelic' beings. Using the above mandala to represent this ... we would have been like the outer rings of the mandala which are individuals in the design, far from the source at the centre of the design, but still interconnected within the design; therefore still part of the one.
But when we wished to manifest (materialise) on the physical earth plane, we had to do this manifestation within the framework of of the vibrational spectrum of the physical life on earth; which was a far slower & denser vibrational plane than the plane of light and thought we were existing on at the time. The nature of the spectrum of physical life on Earth is a myriad of individual forms; far more elaborate than can be draw in a mandala. It also involves 'dichotometric separation' ... 'the splitting of one thing into two parts with opposing opposites' ... many of the things which exist on the earth plane reflect this dichotometric seperation. There are two sides & polar opposites to almost everything in one way or another.'
'The polarities outside the earth plane are in harmony, connected, flowing as one. Thus they are one and not separated. They only become polarities when they are separate from their connection which is a never ending flow into one direction.'
'In coming onto this material plane, we needed to manifest in individual forms, and lower our vibration to match the environment. Like water vapour whose molecules must vibrationally slow down and become more dense to form ice, we 'lowered' our vibration ... slowed down our vibration until we achieved 'our goal'. And as we manifested physically, the greater the depth of integration into the physical plane our consciousness became more and more limited rather than universal, and the greater was the separation from the one. This also created greater separation within ourselves.'
Extract taken from 'The Lost Teachings of Atlantis' by Jon Peniel